Chapter 1 Prose in Eceon | World Anvil

Chapter 1

Written by TheDoctor292

(February, 2013)  
I was enjoying a nice walk through the town known as Oakford. It was a nice temperature. I passed through the familiar houses and streets. I suddenly found myself looking at what seems like a young man. His hair was a light brown. He was wearing a tweed jacket, black jeans and leather shoes. His back was to me. He was standing near a bright, blue wooden box.
He turned around. I recognized him immediately. He was a man known as the Devil. I’ve heard of him as a child. He’s very dangerous. What’s he doing here? I just continued along hoping he wouldn’t notice me.
“Where are we, exactly?” He asked me. I didn’t answer. I didn’t want to talk to him. “It looks like a town or a small neighborhood,” He went on.
“We’re in Oakford, England. Its a small town,” I spoke. I was going to regret this.
"I've always been fond of England. Its quite a nice country.”
“Yeah, it is,” I replied. I don’t know what I was doing. I really shouldn’t be talking to him. We ended up talking for a few more minutes.
“What’s your name?” He asked.
“Madelyn,” I replied.
“I’m the Doctor,” He replied back.
No, no. He can’t be. They can’t be the same person. The devil’s a creature of destruction and very dangerous. The Doctor’s nice and helps people. Something was telling me that he was telling the truth. I still didn’t trust him but I was more used to him.
”You’re the Doctor? The one that saved worlds and stuff?” I said.
”You’ve heard of me then?” He asked.
”Can you help me with…” A voice said, stopping when she saw the Doctor.
”This is the Doctor. The one I keep telling you about,” I said to Bella.
She didn’t say anything. I could tell she was excited. We both have a fascination for the Doctor. What he does is interesting and very nice. I’ve heard tales of him from an old friend of mine. I managed to learn some on my own. I’ve passed those down to Bella, my daughter.
”Is that your TARDIS over there?” She spoke to him.
”She’s smart,” He responded.
”I’ve heard stories about you,” Bella said.
I saw him glance down at her. He seemed interested. This was slightly worrying.
”Nice necklace,” He said to her.
”Sorry to bother you,” He said.
”Its fine.”
He left and went inside the blue box. Maybe he’s not that bad. He seems nice.
”You know more than you let on,” I said to my daughter.
”It’s called research, mum. He’s nicer in person,” Bella said. Yeah, he was.
”You said you needed help with something.”
”School work. I could use your help if that’s not a problem,” She stated.
”Not right now. Maybe tomorrow,” I said. I wanted to check up on a few things regarding the Doctor/Devil. They sound like completely different people and I was very mixed on the portrayal of him. Sure he kept stopping us but that doesn’t mean he’s a bad person or a god. He’s just doing what he does, saving people from harm and destruction. I knew that he won’t approve if he knew who I really was.
”Not again. This is the third time in 2 weeks. Its due in a few days,” Bella said.
”You could’ve asked me earlier.”
”You would’ve said no.”
”Use your laptop.”
”I don’t want to rely on it most of the time,” She responded, “Fine. I’ll do myself.” She left.

The Doctor and the TARDIS belong to Doctor Who. Any aliens referenced except the Cédai are also property of Doctor Who.

Cover image: by TheDoctor292 on Procreate


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