Chapter 4 Prose in Eceon | World Anvil

Chapter 4


Written by TheDoctor292

(4 months later)    
Bella was talking with Oswin and I noticed that he was watching. I signaled him to come. I don’t think he noticed that I was here. I went over to him. He continued to fix his gaze on the two of them.
“I think it’s time to tell her about it,” I said to him, “Doctor.”
His gaze was fixed on them for a few more seconds before looking away. “What?” He asked.
“Don’t you think it’s time to tell her the truth? It’s been 5 months. You can’t keep it from her forever,” I answered.
“No. It’s not worth the risk,” The doctor replied.
“Why not?”
“I don’t want her to not trust me,” He said.
“That’s not a good excuse. She’ll understand,” I said.
“I don’t think she will. She doesn’t remember anything…know anything.”
I could tell that something was wrong. I know that he never liked to touch on this topic. “That doesn’t mean that she won’t. This is better than the alternative and you know that. She’s your friend, Doctor. That’s all you need,” I said.
There was silence for a moment. He then went towards the two of them. I heard him talk to her/
“I need to talk to you. Do you mind?” He said.
“Not at all,” Oswin said. She left with the doctor.
Bella noticed me and looked at the doctor before looking back at me. “Why were you with the the doctor?” She asked.
“Convinced him to tell her the truth…” I began.
“Didn’t you say its better if the doctor tells her not us?” She interjected.
“It’s been long enough. He was never going to tell her anyways,” I responded.
“Don’t you think it’s better if she doesn’t know?” Bella said.
“Weren’t you for telling her the truth?” I replied back.
“After all this, I don’t want it to go wrong.”
“I hope it won’t either but if it does it’ll get better,” I said.
The doctor came over to be a few minutes later. He didn’t look happy. “I’m assuming it didn’t go well,” I said to him.
“No. I told her and explained but she wouldn’t listen,” He answered.
He explained what happened and I kinda knew this was going to happen. I hope they’ll get on good terms soon.
“Talk to her then. It’ll never get better if you don’t,” I said after he finished.
“What if she won’t? She doesn’t understand,” He said.
“Make her understand.”
“I already did and it didn’t work. Thanks for pushing me to do it. I really do.”

The Doctor and the TARDIS belong to Doctor Who. Any aliens referenced are also property of Doctor Who.

Cover image: by SnapWireSnaps on Pixabay


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