Skaule (Skull)

It was once a thriving city until 125 AD and was wiped off the maps and mentions of it in books are destroyed. This happened in 23 AD. There are a few secret maps that still have the country on it. No one knows what happens there (ones that are loyal to the government). Some of the maps have been discovered and ceased to exists but people make more. People have been caught and they were exiled or killed. People refuse to acknowledge the existence of this forbidden country.   They refused to do a greatly honored traditon and the region descended into utter chaos. They considered it “not important” and a waste of time. Thought the necklaces/rings didn’t do anything. The children could control it on their own. A little destruction couldn’t hurt anyone, right?


The land is filled with mountains and large lakes. Some areas are uninhabited due to countries firing weapons towards them in multiple round of conflicts.


It used to be a place where people of all cultures would settle down during harsh winters and storms. It slowly started being corrupted by its own government. Slowly started not doing some traditions and shunned people who entered their borders. Not much is known about why the government suddenly had a change of heart. The main government heard of this corruption and tried to make them change their ways but they always failed. The goverment threatened to exile them and they listened at once.
by TheDoctor292 on Artbreeer
Alternative Name(s)
Ghost Country
Inhabiting Species

Cover image: by SnapWireSnaps on Pixabay


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Sep 20, 2021 11:20 by sointex

Can't say I'd like to visit Skaule, but there are a lot of cool threads and ideas in this article. Not sure if you are doing any role-playing but this sounds like a awesome place to incorporate.

Sep 23, 2021 23:18

Thank you

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