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Harper Moore

Harper Moore (a.k.a. Harbinger)

Harper is quick with her wits and on the trigger. Never one to be an overthinker, but with plenty of world knowledge to back up her hunches, Harper is a formidable bounty hunter, goofball and secret softie.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Harper is tall and lean but not by any means toned. She cuts a striking figure in her tailored coat and boots.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Harper Moore is a relentlessly driven woman. Brought up in the desert by a roving caravan of traders, Harper was trained in the use of the firearms they built and sold to protect herself and her caravan from bandits, monsters and those who would seek to do them harm. One day however, her life changed. The caravan was attacked by a well-known gang of outlaws, and they were overwhelmed. Harper was taken prisoner, but after a night of drunkenness she was able to escape with nothing but the clothes on her back. She walked in the direction she hoped was civilisation until she came across an abandoned mine shaft, half-starved, dehydrated and on deaths door she risked going inside hoping to find shelter and supplies. She was in luck, there was a few days food and water still good, but that was not the most significant find. Lying, abandoned and battered, was a black rifle decorated with silver arcane glyphs. Feeling called to it, Harper used the last of her strength to reach out and touch it and her life changed forever. A voice spoke into her mind, the spirit of Valkyrie, a long dead warrior who’s soul fled into her weapon after a deeply traumatic death at the hands of an ancient horror. Valkyrie agreed to help Harper to get herself to safety and to punish the gang responsible for the deaths of her friends and family. A week later, when they reached safety, she discovered that the entire gang had already been convicted of similar crimes and sentenced to death but they had escaped with the aid of a corrupt lawman. A several thousand gold bounty had been placed on their heads that nobody was brave enough to try to claim. Harper knew that her calling was to make sure that justice was carried out as swiftly as possible, so that no other family would have to suffer the way she did. With the aid of Valkyrie, Harper became a fearsome bounty hunter targeting those others feared to and made a name for herself in the wilds of the world. Valkyrie will never truly recover from her traumatic death and as such is mostly quiet, speaking only when required to or when she has important insight to add. She and Harper share a comfortable friendship within these boundaries and on her good days will share pleasant conversation. Even at her darkest, she always finds it within herself to guide Harper’s aim. Harper for her own part, works tirelessly and relentlessly to help her friend to recover from a trauma that even Harper hasn’t been fully told. Both damaged, both determined. The Harbinger is a force to be reckoned with. For a while she really went off the deep end. Bloodthirsty and relentless, she was a source of fear for outlaws and lawmen alike and it nearly got her killed. She pushed a sheriff too far, killing a man wanted for murder despite the sheriff wanting him taken alive. When she accused the sheriff of being in cahoots with the murderer he was about ready to run her out of town. The barmaid, Tallulah, in the saloon Harper had been staying in took pity and hid her at risk to herself, and from her window she heard a deputy named Alvin Calloway stand up for her and talk the Sheriff down from putting a bounty on her head. The next day, Alvin helped her clear the air with Sheriff Hiram Carlyre who agreed to let her stay as long as Alvin kept an eye on her. She spent the next few months staying in Gravesend with Tallulah Skye, the barmaid who had helped protect her. Over time, the three first became friends and eventually something more. Tallulah and Alvin taught Harper how to manage her anger and helped her recover and move past her family’s deaths in a healthier way. Alvin and Harper taught Tallulah how to shoot and tried to teach her to fight to back up her “take no shit from anyone” attitude, she ended up teaching them. Harper taught Alvin how to track, and Tallulah taught him how to interrogate someone without them even realising it. Eventually, to make ends meet, Harper had to start taking Bounty’s again. Whilst Tallulah and Alvin aren’t exactly happy about it they both understand that it’s something that she loves doing, is good at, and brings in good enough money that maybe one day they’ll be able to set themselves up somewhere nicer. Although, not by the sea with Harper’s crippling fear of fish and all.

Gender Identity

Cis female


Rampantly pansexual


Harper has never had a traditional education. She can read and write as well as anyone, speaks a few eclectic languages and can strip and rebuild a firearm as fast as the most disciplined soldier but she's never been a book learner.    Her parents were religious, but in a quiet way, following the goddess of the moon. Harper was happy to follow their customs when they were alive, but their deaths at the hands of the Black Glove Gang have turned her bitter towards the gods.


Harper is a bounty hunter and gun for hire, although she tries not to take the shadiest contracts where she can avoid it.

Accomplishments & Achievements

A sharpshooter of great skill, Harper takes pride in being a spectacular shot.   However, she considers her greatest achievement landing the two most spectacular people she's ever met

Failures & Embarrassments

Harper has a bloodthirsty side that isn't always as hidden below the surface as she'd like.   She's also a hopeless romantic, and while smooth on the face of it, panics when she can't talk or shoot her way out of a situation.   She also has a bit of a gambling problem, she just enjoys cheating too much.

Mental Trauma

Harper is scarred by the death of her family for the sake of some supplies and gold.   Valkyrie's trauma is hitherto unknown, but much, much worse.

Intellectual Characteristics

Harper is very good at making people like her which she uses to pry for information without the recipient even noticing.   She makes snap judgments, but is willing to change her mind if new information comes to light.   Despite being charming and charismatic, Harper is deeply cynical of people, especially anyone with wealth.

Morality & Philosophy

Generally, Harper is willing to do anything to achieve her goals as long as she considers them just. She can justify most actions so long as their is a net good after everything is resolved.   She's not afraid to shoot her way out of trouble, even if other solutions are available.   She also genuinely believes that avoiding harm to innocents has to be the most important goal.


She has a very violent past and isn't afraid to mention it.

Harper Moore is the daughter of Vivian Moore and Spencer Percival-Moore, although she and her sister Selena were raised by the ill-fated trade caravan they were born into.

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Chaotic Good
Electric Blue
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Slightly tanned
Known Languages
Common, Elvish, Undercommon

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