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Union is less of a country and more of a coalition. Composed of several city-states, Union is an unexplored desert frontier that encompasses the the entire region south of Messino. It is a rough land with equally rough people and continually shifting borders.


Generally speaking, there is little variation in general structure from region to region, with the exception of Coombe and Gravesend.   DEPUTIES At the bottom of the pecking order are the everyday sheriff’s people are in charge of enforcing the law in their jurisdictions, usually their town and surrounding homesteads. Most towns and cities, including Arcadia and Coombe, employ a strong force of deputies to enforce local laws. The one exception is Gravesend, who employs bruisers from the infamous Dime Lions in place of deputies and on the payroll of the Monroe Corporation.   COUNCILORS Councilors hold a position regarded by most as only just above that of the average deputy, though this is up for debate. Councilors are elected officials that supposedly represent the rights of the average citizen in front of the Governors, but are often bought out by corporate powers. Councilors are elected by residents of their towns and split their time between their homes and the capitol of their region. It is a well-known secret that most are under the pay of the Monroe Corporation, though there are several who represent the interests of other corporations and even fewer that are independent of corporate influence.   Sheriff It’s widely believed that there are three regional positions in Union that matter, and one of those positions is the local sheriff, and the amount of power that sheriffs hold varies region-to-region and town-to-town. In Arcadia and Belcarra where multiple sheriffs are employed and the power is split between jurisdictions, the position of sheriff is seen as more of a chore, but in cities such as Gravesend or Coombe, the sheriff holds more power than the officially elected mayor. On paper, the sheriff’s duty is to oversee their deputies and uphold the law, but in Gravesend, the sheriff’s priority is to protect corporate interests, and in Coombe, Sheriff Rena Lawrence’s word is law. Interestingly, there is no officially elected sheriff in the Havorworth Glades and hasn’t been in nearly a century.   Mayor Mayors in Union are usually viewed with derision and scorn. Their positions are viewed as a handout from the powers that be to the little people, and as such, mayors hold very little power throughout most of the coalition. The position has been all but eliminated in Arcadia and Belcarra, and like most other political positions, other regions simply give those that will benefit corporate interests the title. The exception to this rule is Wellspring Plains, whose mayors are powerful and well-respected public servants, almost more so than their Governor.   Regional Attorney Another of those positions that matter is the regional attorney. Once upon a time, attorneys were appointed with intention of protecting the average resident from an unfair trial at the hands of the government, but like most things in Union, has since morphed into a force to protect corporate interests at all costs. The most powerful attorneys come from Gravesend and Arcadia, who, like most other political positions in those regions, are bought and paid for by the powerful Monroe Corporation. Seeing no need for one, Coombe does not employ an attorney whatsoever.   Governor The third and final position in Union that matters, the purpose of Governors was never really established. Governors do not travel to Arcadia with delegates for the Caucus, nor do they write legislation themselves, only signing legislation into law that they approve of. They are generally the wealthiest members of society and see a not- insignificant percentage of taxes go into their personal funds. The Governor of Wellspring Plains is an exception, being actively involved in the politics of the region, perhaps by necessity as without vigilance, the region could easily be overtaken by both Arcadia and Messino.


Union is an incredibly diverse country with no one single dominant race. Approximately 5 decades ago, gnomes and halflings moved to Arcadia en masse, composing a significant population throughout the metropolis, and Gravesend is home to a large population of elves and half elves, but humanoids of all kinds find a place in the various cities and towns, and therefore there is no single, general culture. Instead, Union traditions are as diverse as their people.

Public Agenda

On paper, the politicians of Union claim to be for the people, but in the past century or so, greed has taken over politics. Many politicians are in the pockets of the Monroe family and are paid greatly for their allegiance to the family. In the last 20 years, many politicians have dropped the subtlety and openly support corporate interest over the interests of the people.


Union has always had a significant amount of natural resources, specifically metals, including iron, copper, silver, and gold. Several small mines also bring several precious gems to the surface.   Union is the most technologically advanced country in the world, and has remained so even with the military powerhouse, Hythe, quickly catching up to its technological superiority. The country has a near-monopoly on firearms, and until about 40 years ago, was the only country that had access to airships.


Union is a rather young organization, only about 400 years old. Belcarra is the oldest settlement, and is now a city of old money. About 250 years ago, many of the lower classes were driven from the city by significant rent increases and taxes. They traveled west, establishing outposts and towns as they went.   Approximately 475 years ago, the Monroe family established a mining company that would become the Monroe Corporation. Lorsan Monroe quickly took control of the company, and by the time of his death 45 years ago, he was all but leading the country. Today, his son, Elkoris Monroe, is in charge of the company and has expanded on his father’s work tenfold.   In its brief history, Union has been in many military conflicts, namely with Khyrdin, its northern neighbor. The last war between the two started 103 years ago and only ended 50 years ago with a peace treaty. Currently, tensions between Union and Hythe have been increasing, due to Hythe’s rapidly increasing technological prowess and to potential expansion into the Crescent Isles.


The majority of Union's military is composed of warforged created by Spiritworks Technologies, a subsidiary company of the Monroe Corporation. There isn't much of a standing army outside of the Monroe militia, and most of the country's firepower comes from its fleets of airships.

Foreign Relations

Throughout its history, Union has had a good relationship with Messino. Often, if Union is involved in a conflict, Messino is too. Despite this, there are still several areas of contention between the countries, especially in regards to the “ownership” of the Wellspring Plains region.   Union and Khyrdin have never gotten along, and a war has raged between the two countries for over a century, with Khyrdin's army fighting against Spiritworks Technology's army of warforged. It is believed that the initial conflict over the Thessia Bridge, which Khyrdin has solely controlled since it was built, and has imposed steep tolls for passage. It has been so long, that there are few who remember - or care.   Union's relationship with Hythe is similar to its relationship with Messino. For many years, they had an uneasy alliance, more out of necessity than out of true allegiance. Until Union had built up its fleet, it was reluctant to start a conflict with the world's strongest military.   In the past two centuries, Union has pushed for more control over the Crescent Isles to no avail. The country has been surprisingly gentle with the isles under the orders of the Monroe Corporation, the assumption being Elkoris Monroe has a plan for the archipelago.
Founding Date
12E, 29
Government System
Power Structure
Economic System
Market economy
Subsidiary Organizations
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations

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