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Rhovna Dorch Tavzis

What will you do when your world is ending?

Rhovna Dorch Tavzis

Monster. What a pretentious, spiteful, broad lable. And ultimately; meaningless. People are nothing more than monsters who wear elaborate masks to lull others into a false sense of security. They wear skins to fool themselves. People weave their masks from self-proclaimed superiority, forge their skin suits underneath false-banners of "morality" and "righteousness." Without them, you become scared, frightened, angry. You lash out in fear of lies you cannot hope to unlearn, with anger at those you claim to be better than.   You people cling to your bastion of falsehoods, your false idols, with the blind faith of children clinging to their mothers dresses. You are the first to lable things as "monsterous," "evil," "inhumane;" yet they turn a blind eye to all the horros and atrocities you willingly commit. Justifing yourselves with your logical fallacies. Morals, righteousness, justice, divine order, survival; have your pick from the forests of self-grandization you grow to sequester yourselves in.   And what do you think will happen when you slay your "monsters?" Do you believe your gods will return? That the plagues will end? That the world will beome perfect? The sun shall rise tomorrow and the plagues will ravish the infected, the poor will starve while the rich continue to grow fat, and you will continue your self-proclaimed crusade of rightousness, morality, and goodness; and that is your nature. No. I reject your foolishness. I reject your peoples lies and falsehoods, your selfish hopes and false dreams, your nature. I reject it all.   You call me monster. You call me monster for not hiding my truths behind golden masks of rightousness, for not weaving delicate tapistries of lies, for not wearing suits of your morals. You call me monster for being honest. With myself, with you. You see me and I know you see malevolence. You see Evil. An antithesis for all the lies you have have grown fat on your entire lives. Let me ask you a question: Can you truly claim to not be a monster yourself? Are you content behind your lies and falsehoods?   Do not fret: You are too small for the scope of my gaze and there are "monsters" far worse than my desposition. When you are cuddle up to your thrones at night, do not be scared of the wolves howling in the distance. Do not be afraid of the darkness or what may lie within it. Be afraid of the knives hidden within your flock of sheep.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

A mysterious woman who first appeared during the groups adventure to the past after the Sleeping Eldritch Moon was supercharged by Yogs influence. Rhovna first appeared in Lenore's dreams, completely aware of Lenore and how she shouldn't be in the past. She was met again later by the group in the Grand Cathedral, where she helped the party sneak into the terrifying Labrinth beneath Barovia in exchange for a favor in the future.   She was seen in a vision onset by a powerful artifact posessed by the parties wizard, Lenore. She seems to be aware of those who scry upon her.   Her latest appearance was in the present where she invited Lenore into her home somewhere within the Ruby District.

Defining Values

"Laws mean nothing to those whose strength transcend all" 
"I have no interest in the masks you wear."


Current Status
Wouldn't you like to know~
Its rude to ask a lady her age
Date of Birth
My birthday is not the same as my day of birth
Current Residence
Ask Lenore, she'll tell you
As you desire
Feminine is my preferred, but I can pull androgynous off well enough
Tyrian purple, although...
Black, long, sleek. Its much longer when I don't have it in my high pony
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Lets just say I can blend into the snow if needed
Without my heels? 6'2
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

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