
In the cursed realm of Barovia, night falls like a malevolent shroud. As daylight fades, wicked souls emerge from the ominous spires of Castle Ravenloft, compelled to enact the bidding of their immortal overlord. This desolate land is ruled by the vampire Count Strahd von Zarovich , whose insatiable depravity has ensnared both himself and countless generations in an unending cycle of obsession and despair.
  The haunting cries of wolves and the piercing screeches of ravens reverberate through the bleak valleys and oppressive forests of Barovia. In remote villages, superstitious inhabitants find their lives overshadowed by fear of their distant ruler, his sinister minions, and ancient malevolences left unchecked. Throughout the domain, a pervasive dread of the Mists and the interminable Barovian nights prevails, for within them, the malevolent gaze of the Devil Strahd lies, reaching out to seize whatever he desires. Unbeknownst to the tormented populace, their sufferings are but pieces in Strahd's elaborate scheme to ensnare a single elusive victim, eluding him through generations past.  


  Barovia, which straddles the highest peaks of the Balinok Mountains, is a harsh, rural territory enslaved by despotism and superstition. The Vistani call Barovia "Anda Thema’’ meaning both ‘heart’ and‘ edge’ of the world. The Balinoks, particularly the twin snow-capped summits of Mounts Baratok and Ghakis, dominate the scene. The mountains run through the middle of the realm like a jagged spine, expanding east and west to embrace the steep highlands on each side.   The Balinoks, which are marked by rocky outcroppings and steep cliffs, are particularly dangerous. The ice and snow that clog mountain passes nine months of the year make travel much more dangerous. To the east and west, the narrow valleys that cut the Balinoks’ slopes expand. Mountain streams rapidly become huge, powerful rivers that weave their way through the densely wooded dales. The Gundar, Luna, and Nharov Rivers to the west, and the Ivlis and Saniset Rivers to the east, all start their trek through the Core high in the Barovian Balinoks.  
  • Excerpt from Mistfactor Press, “Van Richten’s Encyclopedia, Vol 1
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