Chapter 3 - Out with the Old

Horstman's Secret Laboratory

As they delved deeper into the labyrinth, they encountered increasingly twisted abominations - grotesque amalgamations of flesh and bone, animated by some unholy force. But still, they pressed forward, driven to complete the quest given to them by Vjorn Horstman . After traversing one of many traps throughout the hospital, the party entered what appeared to be Vjorn Horstman ‘s private accommodations within the compound. Thuldor Ironbreaker ’s natural attraction to treasure drew him into an artifact resting upon the library table – a large golden egg covered in scales and sigils.   As Thuldor Ironbreaker approached the artifact, his eyes alight with the promise of treasure, the rest of the party watched with a mixture of anticipation and concern. They had encountered enough traps and dangers within Vjorn Horstman 's compound to know that any seemingly innocuous object could hold great peril.   Thuldor Ironbreaker reached out a hand toward the golden egg, its surface shimmering with an otherworldly glow. The scales and sigils etched into its surface seemed to shift and dance in the flickering torchlight, captivating Thuldir's attention.mWith a cautious touch, Thuldor Ironbreaker grasped the egg, feeling a faint tingle of magic course through his fingers. Suddenly, the egg trembled in his hand, and a low rumble filled the room.  
  Before anyone could react, a blinding flash of light erupted from the egg, enveloping Thuldir in its brilliance. The party shielded their eyes, stumbling back in shock as the light subsided. When they dared to look again, they found a figure standing before them, but it was no longer the stout dwarf they had known. Instead, there stood a magnificent bronze dragonborn, his scales gleaming in the dim light of the room.

In With the New

As Kimbatul Suolkiroth , the dragonborn wizard, revealed the possibility of releasing their friend but mentioned the need for components and time, the party exchanged worried glances. With their resources already stretched thin and time running short, they knew they had to make difficult decisions about their next course of action.   Amidst the tension, the discovery of one of the research notes they had been sent to uncover brought a glimmer of hope. Perhaps within its pages lay the key to understanding the mysteries surrounding Vjorn Horstman 's compound and the artifacts it contained. But their attention was soon drawn to a more immediate and disturbing revelation – the hidden lair beneath the illusory statue. As they ventured into the depths of the underground chamber, they stumbled upon a scene that chilled them to the core.   A mutilated corpse floated in a clear red liquid, its twisted form contorted in agony. To their horror, the corpse began to stir, its voice pleading for release from its torment. In a bold move, Suol stepped forward, his draconic instincts guiding him as he reached out to remove the red crystal that seemed to bind the being within the liquid. With a surge of magical energy, the crystal drew itself – along with the tortured soul contained within – into Suol's body.   As the transformation took hold, Suol's form shifted, enveloped in a deep, purple hood that seemed to pulse with an otherworldly power. The party watched in awe and trepidation as their companion became something more than just a dragonborn wizard – he had become a vessel for the trapped soul's essence. Now a prsence within Suol's mind, the entity introduced itself as Lyandria , and promised it's insight and knowledge in exchange for Suol's assistance in reaching it's goals.

A Hero Falls

The party delved deeper into the dungeon, their steps guided by the flickering light of torches and the whispers of ancient secrets, they uncovered more of Vjorn Horstman 's sinister experiments. The research notes they discovered painted a grim picture of the doctor's twisted pursuits, revealing the extent of his depravity and the horrors he had unleashed upon the world.    

  Among the chambers, they found a rebel named Yennifer Weathermay-Foxgrove, a human woman who had dared to challenge Horstmann's reign of terror. Her name sparked a flicker of recognition among the party members, igniting a sense of urgency in their quest to uncover the truth behind the hospital's dark secrets.   But their focus was soon diverted as they inadvertently triggered one of Horstmann's experiments, unleashing a horde of twisted creatures upon themselves. Panic ensued as the party fought desperately to defend against the onslaught, their weapons clashing against the grotesque monstrosities that lurked in the shadows.   In the chaos that followed, tragedy struck as Robert, one of their own, was overwhelmed by the relentless tide of death. Despite their best efforts to save him, he was devoured before their very eyes, his screams echoing through the chamber as his companions looked on in horror and disbelief.