
Our Lady of the Mists

All the knowledge we have about Ezra’s mysteries comes from the epiphanies and revelations received by her devotees. Ever since Yakov Dilisnya had his first revelation from Ezra in 666 BC, many have claimed to have received visions and epiphanies sent by the Goddess. However, only four of these epiphanies are recognized as sacred texts of the faith, after passing through the tests of the Rite of Revelation. Each of these great revelations is transcribed in a book, and these are known as the Holy Books of Ezra. All these books bring a new version of the origin myth of this Goddess, and although there are contradictions between the interpretations of each of these four sacred books, there are many points of congruence.   For example, the following part of the dogma is not a point of discussion:    
  • Ezra was a mortal woman, and during her life, she nursed the sick, protected the weak, and fought the Legions of the Night.

  • For many years, she searched for a pure-hearted replacement to fill the role of guardian of her people but found none. She knew that the Legions of Night would continue to emerge from the Void, and she wandered through the gray lands to the end of the world, where she encountered the Mists of Death.

  • Ezra questioned why the Mists filled the world with creatures of the night, and why they allowed their people to live in misery but got no answers.

  • She then declared that if the Mists of Death would not heed her pleas, she would sacrifice herself and step into the void, becoming the Guardian of the Mists.
  If the origin myth that tells of Ezra’s merging with the Mists is not controversial among the sects, the same cannot be said about the nature of Ezra’s revelations, the role to be played by the faithful in the Great Plan, since each one of the holy books and each of the sects adopts a different interpretation and philosophy.
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