Hatzimvas Hospital

Hatzimvas Hospital, located amidst the rolling hills north of the capital city of Lekar, presents itself as a beacon of healing and hope to the citizens of Falkovnia . Its white walls and shuttered windows offer a facade of normalcy, but beneath its surface lies a labyrinth of shadows and secrets.   At the helm of this institution of both care and clandestine inquiry stands Dr. Vjorn Horstmann, a figure whose reputation is both revered and feared in Falkovian circles. As the head of the Falkovnian Ministry of Science, Dr. Horstmann wields unparalleled authority, his presence casting a long shadow over the hospital's operations.   Beyond the prying eyes of the public, however, in the murky depths of the subterranean section, a different story unfolds. Here, hidden from scrutiny, Dr. Horstmann conducts his macabre experiments, pushing the boundaries of science into realms both forbidden and inhuman.   The air is heavy with the tang of antiseptics and the faint metallic scent of blood as Dr. Horstmann's assistants scurry about, carrying out his dark bidding. Rows of cages line the dimly lit corridors, housing subjects that bear the scars of experimentation – twisted amalgamations of flesh and machinery, their anguished cries echoing through the filthy halls.   Yet, despite the horrors that lurk within its depths, Hatzimvas Hospital remains shrouded in secrecy, its true purpose known only to those who dare to venture into the abyss. For Dr. Horstmann, the hospital is not merely a place of healing, but a crucible of experimentation, where the line between science and madness blurs and morality is but a distant memory.