Mist Compass

The Mist Compass is an enigmatic artifact, deceptively simple in appearance yet imbued with profound power. It resembles an ordinary compass, with a brass casing and glass cover, but a closer inspection reveals its true nature. The needle inside never points in a single direction; instead, it spins endlessly, tracing an almost hypnotic pattern. This ceaseless motion is a manifestation of the compass's connection to the Mists, which are ever-changing and unpredictable.   Within the compass's glass face, a thick, viscous red fluid swirls languidly, resembling blood. The fluid's origins are a mystery, though it is whispered to have ties to the life essence of those lost to the Mists. When held in the palm of a traveler, the compass feels warm, as if pulsing with a faint heartbeat.   The Mist Compass was gifted to you by a revered mentor, an artifact handed down through generations. It is said to have been enchanted by the Vistani, those enigmatic wanderers who possess an intimate understanding of the Mists that enshroud their world. The Vistani's mastery over the arcane and their connection to the supernatural grant the Mist Compass its unique properties.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

Requires Attunement   Misty Step: You can cast the misty step spell, requiring no spell slot, and you must finish a long rest before you can cast it this way again. Your spellcasting ability for this spell is Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma (your choice when you attune). If you have spell slots of 2nd level or higher, you can cast this spell with them.   Mist Travel: You can travel through the mists without the aid of a Mist Talisman, albeit in a linear manner through the geography of the Core. When using the Mist Compass, roll on the table below to determine the outcome and destination.  
FamiliarityMishapSimilar AreaOff TargetOn Target
Permanent Circle - - - 01 - 00
Associated object - - - 01 - 00
Very Familiar 01 - 05 06 -13 14 - 24 25 - 00
Seen casually 01 - 05 34 - 43 44 - 53 54 - 00
Viewed once or described 01 - 33 44 - 53 54 - 73 74 - 00
False Destination 01 -50 51 - 00 - -
Familiarity. Here are the meanings of the terms in the table’s Familiarity column:  
  • “Permanent circle” means a permanent teleportation circle whose sigil sequence you know.
  • “Linked object” means you possess an object taken from the desired destination within the last six months, such as a book from a wizard’s library.
  • “Very familiar” is a place you have visited often, a place you have carefully studied, or a place you can see when you cast the spell.
  • “Seen casually” is a place you have seen more than once but with which you aren’t very familiar.
  • “Viewed once or described” is a place you have seen once, possibly using magic, or a place you know through someone else’s description, perhaps from a map.
  • “False destination” is a place that doesn’t exist. Perhaps you tried to scry an enemy’s sanctum but instead viewed an illusion, or you are attempting to teleport to a location that no longer exists.
  Mishap. The spell’s unpredictable magic results in a difficult journey. Each teleporting creature takes 3d10 Force damage, and the DM rerolls on the table to see where you wind up (multiple mishaps can occur, dealing damage each time).   Similar Area. You and your group appear in a different area that’s visually or thematically similar to the target area. You appear in the closest similar place. If you are heading for your home laboratory, for example, you might appear in another person’s laboratory in the same city.   Off Target. You and your group appear 2d12 miles away from the destination in a random direction. Roll 1d8 for the direction: 1, east; 2, southeast; 3, south; 4, southwest; 5, west; 6, northwest; 7, north; or 8, northeast.   On Target. You and your group appear where you intended.
Item type