The Mistlands

The Mistlands gains its name from the unusually changeable and active misty border, the mist continually shifts and curls and the fog may drift miles inland. The terrain here consists of gently rolling hills, forest glades, and sparse yellowed grass. Fog often pools in the valleys hiding potentially anything, and mosses and lichens are common in the sparse sunlight. This area is home to the beginning of the Vuchar river, Nevuchar springs. The Vuchar’s start is a churning pool atop the low cliff overlooking the nocturnal sea. Water flows up the roots of the great tree in a backwards waterfall, becoming purified and freshwater In the process. The upper part of the Vuchar in the Mistlands ebbs and grows in line with the tides, perhaps due to the sea origin.   The Mistlands are home to Darkon’s elven society, some folk claim that towers of vaguely elven design can be seen in the mists when their borders retreat to their fullest, though travelers who venture there never return. Darkon’s elves seldom leave their homes when the mist is thick, they believe that the borders of reality weaken as the mists swell and as such lost travellers may fade out of existence entirely.