The Mountains of Misery

Continuing south we find the Mountains of Misery, these mountains form the northern end of the Balinok Mountains. The region is filled with tortured rocky formations and dominated by the towering volcanic cones of Mount Nirka and Mint Nyid. The regions dwarves cultivate the rugged foothills, jagged cliffs, and Sandy shores along the coastal edge. South of Mount Nirka is the former land of Arak, nothing more than an abandoned blasted wasteland all but incapable of supporting life. Home only to newly returned miners and roaming bandits, goblins and kobolds.   The twin mounts Nirka and Nyid were long thought extinct but have become active since the requiem releasing small amounts of sulfurous smoke and shaking the valleys with tremors. Seers claim the mountains will soon erupt and bring great sorrow to the dwarvern people.