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Commander Evelyn Ashglade

Commander Evelyn Ashglade

A strong woman with fiery red hair and pale skin, Evelyn has strength in mind, body and soul. She was born into a monastic order where she was trained to calm her mind and managed to bond with a spirit of dreams that grants her the ability to communicate telepathically with others. She is currently the second in command of the Prima Diana, a ship in the Dunamic Defence Corps, where she holds the rank of Commander.

Physical Description

Facial Features

With piercing grey eyes that could stare down a dragon, Evelyn's face is often very severe. This is in part to her training as a monk, where she learned to withhold emotion, holding a stoic expression most of the time.   Overall, her face is masculine, as she has a mix of masculine and feminine genetics.

Identifying Characteristics

There are two, crescent-shaped scars underneath her pectoral muscles where breast tissue had been surgically removed. This was not medically necessary from a physical perspective, but Evelyn suffers with gender dysphoria and although she identifies as a woman, her breasts did not fit with who she saw herself as.

Physical quirks

Evelyn is intersex and shares genetic similarities with both masculine and feminine people. She has the slender frame of a person who was assigned female at birth, but her facial features are closer to those of someone assigned male at birth.

Special abilities

Evelyn can communicate telepathically with anyone that is within 30 feet of her. She tends to call a person's name first before doing this, so as to not surprise them with unexpected mental messaging.

Apparel & Accessories

As a member of the Dunamic Defence Corps, there is a certain level of uniform Evelyn is required to wear. For combat, she tends to opt for looser, more flowing outfits that reveal more of her body (including her top surgery scars). For more formal situations, she wears a fitted, red sleeveless doublet with a high collar and high-waisted, maroon sailor-front pants.

Specialized Equipment

Evelyn specialises in hand-to-hand combat, mental discipline and telepathic communication.

A strong woman with fiery red hair and pale skin, Evelyn has strength in mind, body and soul. She was formerly a part of a monastic order where she bonded with a spirit of dreams that grants her the ability to communicate telepathically with others. She is currently the second in command of the Prima Diana, a ship in the Dunamic Defence Corps.

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Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale, Freckled

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