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Kobol is a massive planet formed in a disc shape that is approximately 125,000 miles in diameter. It is primarily of the earth element and is considered an "ore world" for its extremely high concentrations of adamant (the raw form of Adamantine, used in many different kinds of advanced technology).    The planet is orbited by a ring comprised of artificial debris and asteroids.


There are two supercontinents on Kobol, with one appearing on each side. Really, they are two sides of the same coin, and are both surrounded by a ring of ocean. Approximately 20% of the surface is covered in ocean, and as the core rotates its gravity pulls the ocean along with them. The oceans are each filled with 11 major islands and around 33 islets, but as the earthen portion of the planet is essentially a single piece, it is more like the ridges on a record.


The world has a fixed pole through the centre of the supercontinents, with the climate changing radially as you move outwards from the pole.   Cold and wet (Arctic), hot and wet (mountain), cold and dry (grassland) Cold and Dry (grassland), mild and dry (grasslands, hills), cold and wet (arctic, forest)

Fauna & Flora

Major species Humanoids [8] - Gnolls, Humans, goblins, Dragonborn, Merfolk, Dragonborn, Orcs, Aasimar Fiends - Unaligned fiends Giants [4] - B'rohg, Trolls, True Giants Humanoids [5] - Goblins, Halflings, Kenku, Gnomes, Lizardfolk Monstrosities [2] - Nagpas, Tlincalli Fiends - Demons

Natural Resources

The dense rocky core of this world is extremely rich in Adamant, a metal required for many high-level technological items (including Warforged and many metallic Spelljammer designs). The metal is extremely difficult to mine, leading to those in charge of mining it constantly looking for new and better ways to do so - this is what lead to the creation of the Warforged.


The leading demographic amongst the sentient folks of this world are the Dragonborn and Gnomes, who lead the world in technological advancement. Together, they created the Warforged, a species of artificially intelligent automata designed to complete the difficult and dangerous mining of adamant. The physical attributes of the warforged are based on the Dragonborn, as it allowed for the requisite internal dimensions for the technology to fit. Over time, the technology was refined (thanks in part to their now increased production of Adamantine) and so smaller, Gnome-like automata can be manufactured for specific purposes.   When the people of Dunamis reached this planet, a trade in technology granted the people of Kobol access to Spelljammers in exchange for the warforged technology. They eventually joined the Dunamic Republic, and the underlying technology behind the Warforged was bought by the Gestalt Corporeum.


The planet is largely seen as a mining and manufacturing world, and so few choose to visit it. Those looking for climates and experiences not found on their own planet, such as the arctic tundra, might journey here for the experience.

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