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Shadows are a form of undead that resemble dark exaggerations of humanoid shadows. They reach out from darkness, attempting to feed on the vitality of any living creature, and are particularly drawn to those of a good nature who are untainted by evil.   Upon death, the shadow of a creature killed by this strength draining ability breaks free, becoming a new undead entity that will feed on the strength of the living.   If a person killed by a shadow in this way is then returned to life, its free shadow will not immediately return and must be killed before the creature is able to cast a shadow again.

Basic Information


Shadows have an amorphous form and are able to pass through spaces as small as an inch in diameter without squeezing or impeding their movement. They are particularly difficult to see whilst in dim light or darkness, and are known to grow weaker in direct sunlight.

Genetics and Reproduction

Shadows are created, rather than born. The typical means of reproduction is by one shadow killing another creature with its shadow drain ability, but they can also be created by powerful spellcasters. The rituals to create them can either forcibly separate a creature's own shadow from their body, leaving it under their control, or they are able to mould darkness itself into a shadowy wight.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Shadows, by their dark nature, are able to see in darkness as if it were dim light. This vision is in shades of gray. They have difficulty seeing in sunlight, however, as the natural daylight saps their strength.
Scientific Name
Umbra Mortus

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