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Ecil is a continent founded by pure chance (according to some), on a plane entirely different from Golarion. Some deity, whether benevolent or malevolent, warped a select group of individuals of all kinds and makes into this foreign continent, from Golarion. (Thus is as least what historical record says) This continent, replete with life and teeming with resources, was founded by these mortals, haphazardly thrown about into the land. Its original descendants, pushed upon this plane from Golarion over 1000 years ago, created upon Ecil three major nations: Talys, Herishire, and Lancaster, and upon the center of these: the Heart of Ecil. Your party are distant descendants of these wanderers, 1000 years after the creation of Ecil. While your knowledge of the history of Ivalice varies, you all know one thing: the nation itself was created by foreigners. You do not know much about why, or how, your ancestors were brought to Ecil, other than the long-held narrative of a "great diety pushing upon them a bountiful land to live in." Some, even 1000 years later, seek answers. Some seek adventure. Some seek riches, or a livelyhood in this still bountiful continent. All three were built on varying ideals. Talys, primarily made up of idealist dwarves, created a mighty nation to the north, and for many years, Talysian people lived in harmony with one another. Bent on racial unity and self-reliance, the dwarves of Talys thrived on their unity as a nation, creating a massive wave of idealists. Before the birth of Dugram Leadhide, the people there lived with no thought of border expansion. As a matter of fact, an older leader had built a mighty wall across their previous border, covering the northern border of what is today Bariford. Herishire, created by a class of individuals claiming to have had noble birth in Golarion, is a patriarchy of monarchy, and has been since its founding. These groups, unlike the faction that created Talys, are much more inclined to the ideas of trade and kinship between all, not just one's relations. Long-held bonds of merchantry and international trade, mostly with Lancaster, and later with Nistia and Iornia, have led to a proseperous nation, although many are becoming more and more upset of the ruling party being exclusively made up of what they call "Old Nobility." Many attempts have been made to usurp the Kings of the patriarchy of Herishire, but to no avail. Lancaster was previously, at its birth, an entire nation based on the concept of religious freedom. While Talys and Herishire cared about the concept of the deities that brought this land to them, the founders of Lancaster believe firmly that through the worship of these deities, they may return home. Of the three groups, Lancaster's followers believed in the concept of ritualistic practice with the main purpose of returning to Golarion. Through bloody crusades made on part by Talys (with the leadership of Leadhide), Lancaster lost its initial status as a whole country. The combat taken part by Talys has led to the destruction of this initial practice of homeward practice. Contemporarily, the (now city) of Lancaster resides inside the border of the nation of Bariford, created by dwarven resistance fighters mixed with religious believers of what was originally Lancaster.