Collegium of Engineering

The Collegium of Engineering is widely regarded as one of the most prestigious and exclusive educational institutions in all of Calveris, a beacon of progress and innovation in a rapidly modernizing world. Established in the late 19th century, the Collegium has gained a reputation as the pinnacle of mechanical and engineering studies, drawing the brightest minds from across Europe. Its graduates are highly sought after in both academic and industrial circles, and the institution itself is often associated with the height of intellectual achievement.   To the public, the Collegium is a place where the boundaries of human ingenuity are continually pushed, where the wonders of modern science are explored and refined. It is admired for its contributions to the fields of clockwork engineering and mechanical design, with its professors and alumni often featured in popular scientific journals and newspapers. The occasional public exhibition, such as the showcasing of automatons at the World Fair, only serves to enhance the Collegium's mystique, presenting it as a place where the future is being forged.   Campus Layout and Architecture: The Collegium of Engineering is located on the outskirts of Calveris' capital, nestled in a secluded area surrounded by lush, ancient forests. The campus itself is an architectural marvel, designed to reflect the grandeur and elegance of the Belle Époque era while incorporating the gothic elements that hint at the institution's deeper mysteries.   Main Buildings:   1. The Great Hall: The heart of the Collegium, the Great Hall is where lectures, ceremonies, and public events are held. Its design is a breathtaking blend of gothic and Belle Époque styles, featuring soaring arches, stained glass windows, and intricate stone carvings that depict the history of engineering and mechanical innovation. The interior is illuminated by grand chandeliers, casting a warm, inviting glow over the polished marble floors.   2. The Clockwork Tower: A towering structure that dominates the skyline of the campus, the Clockwork Tower is both a symbol of the Collegium’s dedication to engineering and a practical workshop for its students. The tower’s exterior is adorned with intricate clock faces and mechanical sculptures, while the interior houses advanced workshops, laboratories, and classrooms where students and faculty alike can experiment with the latest designs in clockwork and mechanical engineering. The sound of gears turning and the hiss of steam can often be heard emanating from within.   3. The Aetherium (Public Wing): Though the true nature of the Aetherium is hidden from the public, the building itself is known as a center for theoretical research and innovation. The Aetherium’s public wing is a grand, imposing structure with an exterior that features ornate metalwork and statuary celebrating the triumphs of science over nature. Inside, it houses lecture halls, a vast library filled with rare engineering texts, and offices for the most senior professors. The public wing is open to visitors on special occasions, where select individuals are given glimpses of the cutting-edge research being conducted.   4. The Gardens of Innovation: Surrounding the main buildings are the Gardens of Innovation, meticulously landscaped grounds that serve as both a place of study and reflection for students. The gardens are filled with statues of renowned engineers and inventors, as well as mechanical fountains that showcase the Collegium’s expertise in waterworks and hydraulic engineering. Pathways wind through the gardens, leading to secluded study alcoves and outdoor classrooms, where lectures are often held during the warmer months.   5. The Founders’ Plaza: At the center of the campus lies the Founders’ Plaza, a large, open square dedicated to the founders of the Collegium. The plaza is paved with cobblestones and features a massive bronze statue of the Collegium’s original founders, depicted as larger-than-life figures gazing towards the future. Surrounding the statue are engraved plaques that detail the institution’s history and notable achievements. The plaza is often used for gatherings, ceremonies, and public demonstrations of new inventions.   Architectural Style: The Collegium’s architecture is a masterful blend of Belle Époque elegance and gothic grandeur, designed to inspire both awe and respect. The buildings are constructed from dark stone and wrought iron, with facades adorned with intricate carvings and embellishments that hint at the mechanical marvels within. Large, pointed arch windows allow light to filter through, creating a play of shadows that adds to the mysterious atmosphere of the campus.   Each building is crowned with spires and turrets, giving the Collegium the appearance of a castle or fortress of knowledge. The interiors are equally impressive, with high ceilings, grand staircases, and vast halls that evoke a sense of both scholarly reverence and intellectual power. The campus is lit by gas lamps and mechanical lanterns, which give the Collegium a warm, amber glow in the evenings, contrasting with the dark, imposing silhouette of the buildings against the night sky.   Student Life and Public Engagement: Life at the Collegium is a mixture of rigorous academic discipline and a deep sense of privilege. Students are held to the highest standards, with a curriculum that demands excellence in both theoretical knowledge and practical application. The Collegium’s faculty is known for its strict, almost militaristic approach to education, with a focus on discipline, precision, and the relentless pursuit of perfection.   Despite the intensity of the academic environment, the Collegium fosters a close-knit community among its students and faculty. Traditions and rituals, some dating back to the institution’s founding, are observed with great reverence, and students often form lifelong bonds during their time at the Collegium.   The Collegium occasionally opens its doors to the public, hosting exhibitions, lectures, and demonstrations that showcase the latest advancements in engineering and mechanical design. These events are highly anticipated, drawing visitors from across Calveris and beyond, eager to witness the marvels created within the Collegium’s walls.   Closing: In the eyes of the public, the Collegium of Engineering is an institution of unmatched prestige and influence, where the brightest minds of the age come together to shape the future. Its grand architecture, rigorous academic standards, and contributions to the field of engineering make it a symbol of Calveris’ commitment to progress and innovation. Yet, for all its grandeur and public acclaim, the Collegium remains a place of secrets, its true purpose known only to those who are deemed worthy of its deepest knowledge.


The Collegium is organized into several key divisions, each responsible for a specific area of study or administration:   Council of Regents: The governing body of the Collegium, composed of senior faculty members and chaired by the Headmistress. The Council makes all major decisions regarding the institution’s direction, funding, and research priorities.   Department of Mechanical Engineering: Focuses on traditional engineering disciplines, including clockwork design, steam power, and structural engineering. This department is the most publicly visible, often showcasing student projects and innovations.   Department of Aetheric Studies (Secret Wing): This highly secretive department oversees all research related to Aether. Access is restricted to a select few, and its existence is known only to those within the inner circle of the Collegium.   The Aetherium: The main hub for both public lectures and secret experiments, the Aetherium is divided into the Public Wing, where students and visitors engage with theoretical concepts, and the Secret Wing, where Aether is studied and utilized.   Student Guilds: While the Collegium is hierarchical, students are organized into guilds based on their year and area of study. These guilds are responsible for mentoring new students, organizing academic competitions, and fostering a sense of camaraderie.


The culture at the Collegium is one of intense intellectual rigor, secrecy, and a strong sense of tradition. Students and faculty alike are driven by a thirst for knowledge and a desire to push the boundaries of what is possible, often at great personal cost.   Discipline: The Collegium places a high value on discipline, both academic and personal. Failure to meet the institution’s standards is met with severe consequences, from loss of privileges to expulsion.   Tradition: Many aspects of Collegium life are steeped in tradition, from the initiation rites for new students to the annual Founders’ Day celebration.   Secrecy: A culture of secrecy permeates the Collegium. While students are encouraged to collaborate, they are also taught the importance of discretion, particularly regarding the more sensitive aspects of their studies.

Public Agenda

Officially, the Collegium’s public agenda is focused on advancing the fields of mechanical engineering and applied sciences for the betterment of society. It positions itself as a leader in innovation, regularly contributing to industrial advancements and public infrastructure projects.   Advancement of Knowledge: The Collegium claims to be at the forefront of scientific discovery, with a stated mission to use technology to improve the lives of the people of Altamira and beyond.   Public Exhibitions: To maintain its reputation, the Collegium periodically hosts public exhibitions showcasing the latest developments in engineering and clockwork design, often unveiling new technologies or prototypes.


The Collegium’s assets are vast and varied, reflecting its position as a premier institution of learning and research:   Campus: The extensive and architecturally significant campus, including buildings like the Great Hall, Clockwork Tower, and the Aetherium.   Library: A vast collection of rare books, manuscripts, and blueprints, many of which are unique to the Collegium and cover both public and secret knowledge.   Workshops and Laboratories: State-of-the-art facilities equipped with the latest tools and technologies for both mechanical and aetheric research.   Aether Reserves: Hidden within the secret wing of the Aetherium, these reserves are vital for powering the automatons and other experiments conducted at the Collegium.


The Collegium’s history is marked by a series of significant events that have shaped its development:   Founding (1881): The Collegium was established by Professor Vaelros and Dr. Heliost following their discovery of Aether. The institution quickly gained a reputation for excellence in mechanical engineering.   World Fair Exhibition (1893): The Collegium unveiled its first prototype automatons at the World Fair, stunning the public with their lifelike movements and precision. This event solidified the Collegium’s status as a leading institution, though it also sparked the first rumors about the true nature of its research.   The Aetherium Incident (1902): A failed experiment within the secret wing of the Aetherium led to a catastrophic explosion, which was officially attributed to a steam engine malfunction. However, those within the inner circle know it was the result of an uncontrolled Aetheric reaction. This incident reinforced the need for secrecy and tighter security within the Collegium.   Modern Day (1903): The Collegium continues to thrive, though its public façade has begun to show cracks as rumors and strange occurrences multiply. The Council of Regents struggles to maintain control as the boundaries between public and secret knowledge blur, threatening to expose the institution’s darker side.
---   The Collegium of Engineering: The Dark Secrets Beneath the Surface   The Hidden Truth: While the Collegium of Engineering is publicly known for its achievements in mechanical and engineering sciences, its true purpose and the source of its greatest innovations are shrouded in secrecy. Beneath the respectable facade of academic rigor and technological advancement lies the study of Aether, a mysterious, spirit-like energy that defies conventional understanding. This energy is not merely a theoretical concept but a powerful force that the Collegium has learned to harness, using it to power the most advanced automatons in existence.   The Aetherium (Secret Wing): The Aetherium, publicly touted as a center for theoretical research, houses a hidden wing that is accessible only to a select few within the Collegium. This secret wing is where the true nature of Aether is studied and where the most groundbreaking—and dangerous—experiments are conducted. The entrance to this wing is concealed behind an unassuming wall in the public library, accessible only through a series of cryptic mechanisms known only to the Collegium’s inner circle.   Inside the Aetherium’s secret wing, the atmosphere is markedly different from the rest of the Collegium. The walls are lined with intricate machinery, and the air is thick with the hum of energy and the scent of ozone. Here, Aether is distilled, channeled, and infused into mechanical constructs, creating automatons that are more than mere machines—they are almost alive.   The laboratories within this wing are filled with the remains of failed experiments—automatons that moved, spoke, and even exhibited signs of consciousness, only to be shut down when they became uncontrollable or too human-like. The most successful creations are stored in a secure vault, their existence known only to the highest-ranking members of the Collegium.   The Founders’ Secret: The true origin of the Collegium’s knowledge of Aether is known only to two individuals: Professor Octavia Vaelros and Dr. Victor Heliost, the original inventors of the first Aether-powered automatons. Both were present at the discovery of Aether—a moment that changed the course of their lives and set the Collegium on its current path.   The discovery of Aether occurred during a seemingly ordinary experiment in one of the Collegium’s early laboratories. While attempting to create a more efficient energy source for clockwork devices, Vaelros and Heliost accidentally tapped into a hidden, otherworldly energy that had never been documented before. Realizing the potential of this discovery, they kept it a closely guarded secret, fearing the chaos it could unleash if it became public knowledge.   Over time, they learned to control and harness Aether, using it to create automatons that far surpassed anything previously imagined. However, the process of binding Aether to mechanical forms proved to be unpredictable and fraught with danger. Some automatons became sentient, others turned violent, and a few simply vanished, leaving only traces of residual energy behind.   The Shady Rumors: Despite the Collegium’s best efforts to keep its secrets hidden, whispers of strange occurrences and unexplained phenomena have begun to circulate among the students and the townsfolk of Calveris. There are tales of automatons seen wandering the halls at night, moving with a disturbing fluidity and speaking in voices that seem too human. Some students claim to have witnessed strange lights emanating from the Aetherium’s windows, or to have heard unearthly sounds coming from deep within the Collegium’s bowels.   There are also rumors that the Collegium’s professors have dabbled in forbidden experiments, merging human and machine in ways that defy both science and morality. Some even speculate that the Collegium’s founders made a pact with forces beyond human comprehension, trading their souls for the knowledge of Aether.   Automatons in Society: The few Aether-powered automatons that exist outside the Collegium are carefully controlled and monitored. These automatons are found only in the largest cities or in the manors of the social elite, where they are prized as both status symbols and servants. However, their true nature is known only to those who possess them—and even they are often unaware of the full extent of their automatons’ capabilities.   To the uninitiated, these automatons appear to be marvels of engineering, with unmatched precision and lifelike qualities. But those who have witnessed their uncanny behavior—such as responding to commands before they are given or displaying emotions—cannot help but feel a sense of unease.   The Price of Knowledge: The pursuit of knowledge within the Collegium comes at a cost. Those who delve too deeply into the study of Aether risk losing themselves, becoming consumed by the power they seek to control. There are stories of scholars who have gone mad, driven to the brink by the whispers of the energy they sought to harness. Others have simply disappeared, their fates unknown but presumed to be tied to the darker aspects of their research.   Vaelros and Heliost, despite their brilliance, are haunted by the knowledge they possess. They understand that Aether is not merely a tool to be wielded, but a force that demands respect—and that its true nature may be beyond human understanding. They are determined to keep the secrets of Aether within the Collegium, even as they grapple with the ethical implications of their work.   The Collegium’s Future: As the Collegium continues to push the boundaries of what is possible, it teeters on the edge of revelation and ruin. The secrets it guards have the potential to reshape the world—or to bring about its downfall. For now, the Collegium remains a place of both wonder and fear, its grand facade hiding the darker truths that lie within its walls.   In this world, knowledge is power—but it is also a dangerous and potentially deadly burden.

“Through Precision, Power; Through Power, Progress.”

Founding Date
April 12, 1881
Educational, University
Alternative Names
The Clockwork Citadel


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