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Cherry (On Top)

Anjing Zhao (a.k.a. Cherry (on Top))

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Early Life

  Cherry (Aias Zhao Anjng ) was born 19 years before the fall to a family of ethnic Chinese Barsoomian nomads. Living primarialy off the land and away from hypercorp influence, her early life was a cuiosity amongst humanity, but far from notable. At the age of 7, the DRMs within Anjing's splicer body ran out. Her parents, outback subsistence miners with no regular need nor ability to acquire cedits, were unable to afford the software upgrades required for their child's physica wellbeing. Due to this, Anjing began to exhibit pysical defects from this age that would plague her for the remainder of her life.

For the remainder of her childhood, Anjing was shunned by her peers. Despite being a bright and trusting young girl, her peers treated her with suspicion and ridicule. She was unable to learn many of the key survival skills required by the nomads, instead turning to tasks which could be performed with her limited mobility, namely tending to the tempromental software of the various outdated machines in the convoy.By the age of 10, Anjing had become deaf and ad trouble communicating, teaching herself sign language before programming and sharing her own muse translation software amongst the others. In a silent world, her mind focussed increasingly on the visuals of her world. Anjing watched through camera motes across the convoy, picking out pictureque vistas or snippets of daily life for their artistic merit, before digitally editing an idealised, healthy version of herself into the frame.


In 2BF a hypercorp-backed Barsoomian outreach program was launched. From Sands to Studywas desiged to take the bright minds of the Barsoomian movement, introduce them to approved learning, and convince them of the benefits of modern Martian city life. By design, this would either cause hypercorp sympathisers amonst the Barsoomian ranks, or else cause a 'brain-drain', in which the growing movement would be deprived of future figurehead.

By this point, Anjing had developed numerous serious physical disabiities, and clearly had no future amongst the Barsoomian without first repairing the damage to her morph. Her parents agreed that it was her best chance for a life and -despite their misgivings about the hypercorp schme- she left for New Shanghai. At the time of her arrival, the city's populace was rapidly growing as refugees from various Earth-bound crises, and poverty was an increasing problem. Despite this, life on campus was comfortable and producive for young Anjing. For the two years of her studies at the university, she excelled in her studies of photography and image manipulation, also becoming an actvive volunteer in the campus Infosec unit. Through student groups, Anjing became fascinated by VR, suddenly able to exist in a world beret of physical pain and infirmity, and able to go on adventures that were previously beyond her scope of imagining. It was in these early forrays into VR programming hat Anjing first crudely developed the character that would later become her alias, a feminine anthropramorphic sundae named Cherry (on Top).

Gamer Girl with a love for Sims 24 and DOOM 98

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20 (Approximate)

Character Sheet Updates

04/06/22 Re-added Addiction: Gaming as per conversation with Marcus, as was present in V1, but not in V2 due to not being available, etc. Bought: Positive Trait Merging Mastery - 1 Positive Trait Digital Ghost - 1 Intrusion Speed - 2 cost Knowledge: Firewall - 1 Updated REP: Firewall +13, Guan-Z +3, Hypercorp Rep +1 (Due to having in scrapbook and not on Character Sheet  

The Punnet of Cherries

Cherry 1 - With Party Cherry 2 - On Erato on server Cherry 3 - Cherry 3 'died' to Thought Station Power Cut

The Kingsmen

Bletchly Park - Remains of the British Secret Service - Basil is the barperson AI for The Scarcrow pub, Basil is the 'real person' who is the proxy. Firewall - it's a conspiracy theory. Firewall is influential. Project Ozma chasing us   Behimi (Bounty Hunter for Nine Lives) Captured Julius Fury, the captive heading to Thought Space Station.   Julius Fury was part of the Martian riots at the Jungle Jim riots.   Lam Kong Dong, Pilot ship called Song Flower dropped off Cold Awe dropped off 5 weeks ago. Bad Trip ship dropped off two passengers a week ago.   Erica Barker, Researcher - User ID for Thought Augustine - scratched into the faber in the ectobay.   AUGUSTINE this computer sounds like and ASI Artificial Seed Intelligence will improve itself constantly Augustine doesn't know anything or isnt malicious and is reverent of you, IE you're a God. Downside is self destruction when their world view is challenged.   Basil - Poxy for Firewall, they're the highest authority in Firewall.   Vicar - Firewall Pilot for our party.   Sold the XP of Julius and Bahimi to Firewall.

Magic Chocolate Bars

Joyjoy Noodles Corp Karol Cox, accountant, european. Lonestar Plaza Message back from Faith Yohan Baka, Dutch, one of the head marketers at Lonestar Entertainment.   Itenasia, flat 112 trivenny apartments

Cherry's Therapy Sessions

Session 1: Had a good old chat with Dr Li, it didn't go very well. I don't think he likes me. I'm not sure if despite being a Doctor I don't think he's very good at talking through trauma.


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