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"O Cyra's light! Fills thy land
With heaven, fallen from her hand.
Glacial spikes all melt to soil,
Upon which mortals work and toil."

Divine Domains

The Sun; warmth and light, abundance and giving, healing and care. A patron of vitality, rebirth, and mothers. She values those who give their time and efforts into charity, helping the needy, and cultivating the land into fruitful returns. She is not necessarily a goddess of creation, more of nurturing something weak into something strong.

Holy Books & Codes

A long form poem, written in the Old Elvish language, was presented to the ancient Sun Elves through a prophet who's true name has been lost to time, but who is known as the first prophet in the religion's later texts. The Lament vaguely describes the breakup between Cyra and her lover, Talune in its first section (the lament proper), followed by a number of fables that have been interpreted into moral obligations for her followers to abide by.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Of course, images of the sun are associated as part of Cyra's visage. More niche symbols include a pair of gleaming white Borzois that fawn over her lap. Their names are unknown, but they are colloquially called the Cyran Hounds and can be seen flanking the sunset under certain conditions. (This phenomenon is also known as 'sun dogs').


The longest days (and shortest night) of the year are in the dead of winter, and also mark the coming of the new year. The month leading up to the celebration (Cyracuse) is one for nightly fasting. At the Pole, where the night is nonexistent in the transition to the new year, the double-long day is celebrated with raucous parties laden with food, drink, and dancing. What is called the winter solstice for most, is referred to as the Binate Celebration.

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