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Basic Information


Dwarves are short, stout humanoids with prominent facial hair, small eyes, and round ears. Dwarves' impressive beards are the hallmark of the species, a feature present in all dwarves no matter their assigned sex.

Growth Rate & Stages

Dwarves reach physical adulthood at about 18 years old, but they're considered young until they reach the age of 50. On average, they live about 350 years.

Ecology and Habitats

Dwarves have historically lived in the many subterranean caverns of The Dragon's Backbone, in a gigantic city-state they call [DWARVEN NAME]. They are largely accustomed to these cool places, devoid of sunlight, and as a result have a very low tolerance for sun - they burn real easy.

Biological Cycle

Hibernation is a natural, annual part of a dwarf's life. Every time winter rolls around, dwarves hole up in warm underground burrows and wait out the cold, awaking once it warms up again. There are commonly available elixirs and medications that remove the necessity of this process for busy dwarves, and their use has become a more common practice as relationships with other, non-hibernating species strengthened. Still, many consider it a nice way to relax and unwind after a stressful year, and have refused such modern replacements, claiming that ignoring one's natural cycle hastens fatigue and death.

Civilization and Culture

Common Dress Code

There is a well-established tradition that dictates how beards are meant to be worn depending on age. Typically, a beard grows in during adolescence, and from then until about age 50 it is normal to wear the hair loose, with maybe a few small decorative braids for embellishment. Once a dwarf reaches truer adulthood, it is typical to wear one's beard bound in braids, plaits, even a simple ponytail. After a certain point in life, it is no longer socially acceptable to wear one's hair so freely.
350 years
Average Height
Average Weight
175-200 lbs.
Geographic Distribution

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