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Baervan Wildwanderer

The Forest Gnome, the Masked Leaf, the Father of Fish and Fungus

Baervan Wildwanderer was the gnome god (particularly identified with forest gnomes) of forests, travel, and nature. The Forest Gnome was the closest thing the gnomes had to a druidic deity, for the Masked Leaf was always attentive to the concerns of the wild while still keeping a close eye on his gnome charges.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Face of a racoon

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Baervan often appeared as a male, 4 feet (1.2 meters) tall, middle-aged forest gnome with nut-brown complexion, dull gray hair, and clothes of wood-brown hues.   Baervan might manifest as an amber radiance that settles over a worshiper or plant and induces a magical effect. On a favored worshiper, the radiance could provide the benefits of spells such as barkskin, locate animals or plants, pass without trace, plant door, or speak with plants. It could also animate a tree as a treant for around an hour, function as some version of spike growth, entangle, and plant growth, or coalesce into a handful of goodberries.   Baervan was known to deliver omens in the form of a whispering wind in the trees. He conveyed his favor by permitting his faithful to discover acorns, bits of amber, emeralds, oak leaves or the sudden growth of plants in a peculiar place along a well-trodden trail. Conversely, his displeasure was shown by causing a tree branch to gently strike the target of his disaffection or by causing small animals to behave oddly (like pelting a gnome with acorns).

Personality Characteristics


Baervan was a gentle guardian of the wild with a passion for oak trees and a love for all forest animals. He was a carefree deity. slightly more relaxed in alignment than Garl Glittergold and lacking his dedication or finesse. He too was a mischievous but amiable god with a strong penchant for good-natured pranks and jests, such to the point he was Garl's closest rival in the field. Despite his practical joking, it was difficult to dislike Baervan, and unlike typical gnomish shenanigans they were often designed to serve a purpose.


Contacts & Relations

Baervan's closest friend was Chiktikka Fastpaws, a sentient giant raccoon. His superior was Garl Glittergold. Baervan considered Segojan Earthcaller, Brandobaris, Clangeddin Silverbeard, Gwaeron Windstrom and other good nature deities among his allies. Urdlen and Malar were particularly hated enemies.


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