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Circle of Thirteen

The Circle of Thirteen were a group of mages of varying species, who sought to overthrow the Raven Queen from her position watching over most of the Shadowfell. They failed and were transformed into the beings known as Nagpa.


The council had nothing in the way of structure, besides having a designated leader.


The only element of culture present within the council was the regarding of magic as the most powerful thing in existence, and that it should rightly be manipulated as freely as possible. Another common feature was a heavy distrust of authority that wasn't their own.


Long ago, well before the Decline had started; 13 wizards from a wide variety of locations across Edarmyrni met in secret and made an agreement to interfere with a ritual that sought to ensure the gods stayed at peace. Fights between gods broke out sporadically in the century following the failed ritual. Many gods were slain in the ensuing chaos, which made way for new gods to rise and take their place. Those gods that died have long since been forgotten, but the Raven Queen; the being who had planned the ritual made sure that those responsible for the slaughter that took place in the heavens were justly punished.

Bringing the council to her domain in the Shadowfell, the Raven Queen judged each member as being equally responsibly for what transpired and cursed them to live as a grotesque birdlike creature or nagpa. She had also restricted their magical abilities, ensuring they could only gain any by plundering ruins of dead civilizations. It was the curse they received that ensured the council would be forever disbanded.


The organization has since disbanded in a formal sense, though few members do remain. At least two were further hunted down by zealots wishing to appease the Raven Queen, with a group of adventurers also having slain one in an attempt to curry her favor. Those that do remain either live under the Raven Queens watchful eye, or fled as far as they could from her gaze.

"Everything is to be controlled"

Unknown - A few thousand years prior to the Decline

Consortium, Research
Alternative Names
the Thirteen,


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