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The Guardian of Liars, Lady of the Mists, The Mistshadow, Mother of Illusionists, The Lady of Deception, The Mist Maiden, Mother of All Illusion, Lady of Mists, Guardian of Deception

Leira, also known as The Lady of Deception or The Lady of the Mists, was the goddess of deception and illusions and patroness of illusionists and liars.


Months after the Avatar Crisis, Leira was slain by the new deity of death, Cyric, at Konisrech Bridge, wielding the sword Godsbane. Her portfolios were subsequently absorbed by the mad god, though the essence of Leira was absorbed by Mask while dying.

Upon her death, her godly power erupted in a blast that reached her places of worship all across Edarmyrni. Motes of her divinity coalesced into incorporeal beings known as glamers.

Some still believed Leira was alive and that she had used her death as a grand illusion, but the general consensus was that she was a dead power. Leiran traditionalists on Nimbral who believed her to be alive in fact gained spells from Cyric.

While Mask had control of Leiras essence during the Mortalbound Period, Mask struck a deal with her in return for her release upon the return of the Overgod. Mask confided in Leira his theft of the Tablets and Fate and offered to return them, thereby resurrecting Leira eventually, and in return she would need to hide the pair of them until The Overgod returned.

Leira, while far weaker though still powerful, alluded to agreement of the terms. Leira was far less angered by Masks actions, and was more enthusiastic that Bane and Myrkyrl had been falsley blamed for this. The pair of them were able to hide behind Leiras illusions until the events of Fates End, which restored Leira to godhood, though she wished to remain hidden far longer, only making her presence known in the early 1000s.

Its known she revelled in the confusion caused after the portfolio of illusions was lost by Cyric, with no one knowing who had recieved it.

Divine Domains

Knowledge, Trickery

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Point-down triangle containing a swirl of mist

Personality Characteristics


She was an enigma, never telling the truth when falsehood would do. Everything she did and said was shrouded in layers of illusion and lies. She believed that truth was worthless and that misbelief and falsehood were what gave life meaning.


Contacts & Relations

Leira's allies were Mask, though this is a strained alliance, and Azuth. She was opposed by Oghma, as her lies were a hindrance to knowledge.
Chaotic neutral


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