The Maiden of Pain, The Willing Whip, The Scourge Mistress
Loviatar, also known as The Maiden of Pain and The Willing Whip, was the evil goddess of agony and was both queen and servant to the greater god Bane.
Divine Domains
Divine Symbols & Sigils
Nine-stranded whip, with barbed strands.
Personality Characteristics
Loviatar was a cold-hearted bully, calculating and despotic; she was the master of inflicting physical and psychological suffering and her portfolio included pain, hurt, and torture.
Contacts & Relations
Prior to the Time of Troubles, Loviatar was a servant of Bhaal and had a heated rivalry with her fellow servant Talona. During that time she often teased and tormented the goddess, feeling that she should and would eventually serve her.. During that time she was also affiliated with Malar.
For a time she fell under the sway of Shar, though the return of Bane changed this, as she once again served as his consort. Loviatar's portfolio conflicted most with that of Ilmater, because Loviatar despised those who helped others. She also hated Eldath and Lliira for offering rewards without any suffering to achieve them.
For a time she fell under the sway of Shar, though the return of Bane changed this, as she once again served as his consort. Loviatar's portfolio conflicted most with that of Ilmater, because Loviatar despised those who helped others. She also hated Eldath and Lliira for offering rewards without any suffering to achieve them.