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Oberon, also known as the Green Lord, is the king of the Seelie Court and counterpart to Titania. He is one of the most powerful archfeys in existence, rivaled only by his wife and the witch mother Baba Yaga. Oberon was sometimes called Lord of Beasts, though this was mainly owing to his ability to find and befriend them, not out of some innate control or sway.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Oberon has been noted as being an 8 foot tall eladrin of powerful physique. His skin was of a pure olive, and his hair that of a greenish-yellow that never remained stationary, even when Oberon himself was. His avatar appeared strikingly similar to his actual form, though notably smaller and skinnier. When angered, it has been noted that his hair grows longer and moves around furiously, while his skin turns to a darkened reddish-black.

Special abilities

Oberon was a hunter without equal and a mighty warrior. He was attuned to the forest and the streams, able to sense and affect the trees and the flowing waters.

Personality Characteristics


He was wild and mercurial. His mood changed with no warning, usually to an extreme.
Divine Classification
Chaotic neutral


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