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Scales of the Dark Twister

The Scales of the Dark Twister are a yuan-ti cult based throughout Gilded Bridgewater. Among their greatest achievements was the construction of numerous temple-cities built partially below ground all through the region. Their ability to discreetly hide their infrastructure ensured a long history of subterfuge and sabotage. The cult places faith in all yuan-ti gods, but are particularly devoted to Dendar and have made numerous attempts to hasten the prophecies surrounding her.


As with every yuan-ti organization the cult has a highly structured caste system, with the more snake-like forms being given higher status. Ever since Gilded Bridgewater was inundated by water during the Time of Absent Magic, the above ground portions of the region have been assigned a group of abominations to act as administrators, while the subterranean portions are instructed by the Nightmother. Absent of a Nightmother, these abominations administrate the subterranean sections as well.  


The nightmother is the title assigned to any abomination capable of undergoing the transformation into an anathema. A nightmother is prayed to much like god and serves as one when ruling, however, this dedication is passed onto Dendar, the Night Serpent. When a nightmother presents herself it is considered a prophecy that the time is nigh for Dendars return, leading to increased efforts to bring this event about.   The nightmother can be challenged for the title by another anathema, which leads to a bloody ritual of cleansing, whereby the loser is consumed by the winner. The presence of a single anathema is extremely rare however, even more so is the appearance of two within the same yuan-ti civilization.


The Scales are practically zealots in service to the yuan-ti deities Dendar, Merrshaulk and Sseth, though they hold Dendar in particularly high regard and place great faith in the prophecy surrounding her entrapment behind a great iron door.   The Darkscales relish any opportunity where they might exact revenge against the 'warm-blooded' of the world, whom they place all blame upon for the flood of 392 DC. When dealing with humanoid settlements, they like to use a mixture of underhanded subversion and unforgiving brutality. One particularly common tactic is to have pureblood agents infiltrate settlements and convince the weak-willed to join their cult as slaves. This is even more effective if they can inspire those slaves to perform killings in their honor, further destabilizing those communities found in Gilded Bridgewater.


Sometime prior to -30,000 AS, the Scales were a group of yuan-ti slaves who overthrew their sarrukh masters. A figure dubbed; 'the Nightmother,' stirred up the populace of nearby city-states, gradually bringing them all under her sphere of influence, becoming a virtual empire over the next few years.   Between -30,000 AS and -5,000 AS, the Scales gradually became aware of the various prophecies surrounding yuan-ti deities and began sacrificial killings in their honour. In this time they targeted creator races primarily, with the sarrukh, batrachi and aeree being their most common targets.   From -5,000 AS onwards, the Scales underwent a period of decreased activity due to the dwindling populations of creator races throughout the region. The appearance of a Nightmother in-1343 AS inspired a wave of sacrifices over the next two centuries, attacking small populations of elves, dragonborn, halfings and gnomes who had begun living in the region.   In 1403 DC, the abomination known as Shalkashya transformed into an anathema and took up the mantle of Nightmother.
Religious, Cult
Leader Title


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