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Yondalla's Children

Yondalla's Children was the collective name for the halfling pantheon, which was led by the greater deity Yondalla, known as the Protector and Provider, the Nurturing Matriarch, and the Blessed One. Halfling gods often fall under the category of demigod status, with Yondalla and Sheela being the only ones considered to be deities. All of th dem


Greater deities:

  • Yondalla, greater goddess of fertility and protection; she is the leader of both the halfling pantheon and patron to all halflings.

Intermediate deities:

  • Sheela Peryroyl, an intermediate goddess of agriculture, love, and weather; she temporarily took up leadership of the pantheon between the Spellplague and the Second Sundering. Halflings held much respect for Sheela, going so far as to ask her permission when cutting down trees.


  • Arvoreen, demigod of defense, guardians, and vigilance; Arvoreen developed a range of tactics to defend halfling communities, many of which are employed when a halfling community is forced to defend itself. He was an exarch of Yondalla.
  • Brandobaris, demigod of thievery and adventure. Exarch to Sheela and the embodiment of halflings restlessness.
  • Charmalaine, demigoddess of luck and keen senses. Charmalaine is in some way, the source o
  • Cyrrollalee, goddess of friendship, trust, hospitality and home; the stories about her exploits are remembered by most halflings, showing that being nice can solve many problems. She was an exarch of Sheela Peryroyl.
  • Urogalan , demigod of the earth, death and the halfling dead. As most halfling are buried, he watches the earth and acted incredibly dower in comparison to most halflings.
Religious, Pantheon


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