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"The land of Edaron was said to have been a garden, untouched and perfect, a shinning example of balance and peace." - Allorim Dorhnen

For centuries, as long as history has been recorded, small tribes have factured Edaron. The center of this land is ruled by tribes of Humans known as the Gaultherian People. They are said to have desended from the first men of the land. They are a hardy folk who work together when honor is on the line. They are adaptable and stubborn and many races specifically Elves and Orcs have given them the nickname of "Terror People". Formidable foes in battle often they look towards the future rather for the short lives they have making them not only reckless but also intelligent, a dangerous combinations even among many of the other races.

The Southern Forests are home to the High and Wood Elves, although they were once a combined civilzation now long collapsed to their own political instability as well as invading forces from the Southern Mountains near by. The now distinct tribes are culturally different as well as formally separated with one group of High Elves Warriors who are particularly good at raiding and combat unmatched on horseback. The Wood Elves choose to work with nature and to create protective barriers and to work with the wilds to create a home for them alone. The two tribes often trade but rarely do they do anything more than that, as well as never interacting with the Humans to their north. This isolationism has deemed them as "Ears of the Forest" while those who have hate towards them due to past trangressions will be inclined to call the "Wild Folk" or "Savage Beasts". Dragonborn have been known to kill elves for sport in the past and so they typically refer to them as "Hunting Animals" which is particularly sadistic considering Dragonborn do not hunt for food. The tribes of the Elves fight everyday for there continued survivial and fear the return of the warmonger next door in the Southern Mountains as well as the Humans desire to consume all resources including the forest itself.

Past the Mountain Range lies a Frosted barren wasteland that harbors the Warlords. Although long forgotten do to their isolationism the Dragonborn were once a strong empire made of long lasting Dynasties. They were unified and a resillent force of nature in combat with some of the most intricate battle forces known to any race. They devastated the Elvish lands in the forest long ago and claimed them as there own, however, due to poltical instability the empire collapsed and receded back into the Mountains where they remain. They now wait like a sleeping dragon resting on his horde waiting for a reason to strike.

In the west there lies a swamp next to the sea creating a delta where the rivers flow out. This has allowed for unique creatures to call this place their home. The swamp is full of discoverys waiting to be researched however it is also a uniquely dangerous task because it is unexplored lands. The only creature that is known to inhabit this territory are the goblin tribes however they have been pushed out of there own lands and began invading both Human and Elvish territory for a home. Goblins are said to be creatures of the Feywild however over time goblinoids here have been warped and turned into evil brooding creatures that cause pain everywhere they go often nicknamed, "Wretched Hordes".

In the east are the Lava Flats were the Orcs roam free. The Orcs live under different colonies spread around the desolate wastes. The land is extremely fertile but constant lava flow and lack of sunlight makes crop cultivation difficult. Despite this the colonies will often trade with one another and have been able to create sustainability if only just barely. The most recent event to disrupt the Orc lands are certain colonies closer to the Human land have been moving to break away and begin trading with Human trades as well. This has caused division among the different colonies and as also caused a war to break out between the two races. The Orcs refer to themselves as "Fire Blood Chosen" which in orcish sounds like ORa-C and so they are called Orc in most languages.

Beyond the rolling hills and large crystal lake lies a vast desert that none have explored. There are people and cultures who live here among the desert but it is a difficult place to map and even more difficult place to survive. Many Halflings, also called "Rulers of Sand", say that the land here is there second home and often wander from place to place trying to find a place to settle permanetly but they are so rare that many often continue to wander. They are also refered to as "Wandering Eyes" due to their stature and unsuspecting phsique they are especially good at all sorts of illicit activity. The desert has many resources waiting under its dunes; spices, gems, ores and more all await those who are willing to risk it all. The only humans who see anything of these people are typically pirates who roam the Crystal Lake outside the boundaries of the current human government.

Beyond the sea lies Volcanic islands that many Dwarf Clans call home. None are more stubborn nor more isolated than the Dwarf Clans. No expeditions from outsiders is allowed, only can a dwarf bring their goods to others never the other way around. Also called "Carvers of Stone" they were long ago the strongest culture in all of Edaron, bringing the magical ability of firepower into the world. Due to a power struggle amongst themselves they have returned to mercantilism and constant infighting has caused very few to bring anything new causing the price of firearms to skyrocket.

The lense of Edaron is focused on the Human realm, the Gaultherian People, who are working through a war between themselves and Orcs as well as continued attacks from Goblin raiders.