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In the countryside, there are few as trustworthy as the halflings; in the cities, you can trust them too—so long as you've got coins to offer.
- Haven Thorne, trader


The halflings have lived in the midst of the kingdoms of men throughout recorded history. In the country, the fieldfolk tend to live in separate communities, though often directly neighbouring human settlements. In the city, the cityfolk either manage in an oversized world or carve out their own small neighbourhoods, which are better equipped to accommodate their diminutive size.   Unterlund is home to the vast majority of the halfling population, though they do live in the other nations of Balamyn; a few have even ventured so far as southern Ostramyn, but the cold does not suit their tastes, nor their proclivity for going about without shoes.    


The fieldfolk are known as simple and good-hearted people, if a little naive. Most of them are content to tend their gardens, smoke their pipe-weed, and while away their days in peace and quiet. However, in times of trouble, they have proven themselves to be brave and loyal citizens of the kingdoms in which they dwell. There are few men that have spent time among the fieldfolk and come away with a harsh word on their lips.   In many cases, the cityfolk have inhabited the cities they call home for many generations. They have cultures that reflect the human society around them, while still retaining some of the characteristics and heritage of their halfling roots. In order to provide value to the human societies they inhabit, they have learned to embrace certain roles, including merchants, moneylenders, librarians, scholars, and jurists. Through their long lives and strong familial connections, they have a tendency to possess greater education and material wealth than many of the humans the live alongside. This can occasionally lead to unfortunate resentments or stereotypes being attributed to cityfolk, but overall, they are well-regarded and accepted members of society.    


Most of the halflings of Balamyn worship Cerrunos, though they worship Eos in Amin. They tend not to be overtly religious and there are no prominent halfling orders, though particularly pious individuals have been known to join human orders.

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