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Artificial Chimeras

"The gods left this world behind in our hands. If they did not wish for us to play, then why did they leave such wonderful toys for us?"
Chimeras are strange magical creatures in the wild that bear the heads and limbs of various other creatures. Chimeras are also a classification term for any monster with mixed genetic variation, such as Sphinxes, Manticores, or some forms of Hydras. Both of these kinds of Chimeras occur in nature, either due to strange genetics or change based on magical causes, especially prevelant within the Plane of Mysticism.   Artificial Chimeras, as the name implies, are man-made attempts to replicate these effects, achieved either through a careful and largely secret alchemical formula OR by using body shaping magic on a genetic level to induce a chimerical mutation while an animal is in utero, often a taxing and precise job to do. These Artificial Chimeras are doomed for a life of agression and pain, with the only bright side being that the intense physical demand on their bodies will end up killing them in five years or less, so they won't have to suffer long. This reason is why the art of creating Chimeras is heavily illegal in many places, and intensely regulated in the rest, even in the modern day.

Basic Information


Chimeras usually come in bidepal or quadrapedal varieties. Any more reduces the efficiency of the bodily functions of the created creature, especially when it comes to stabilizing the magic that went into making them. Some Chimologists use giant insectoid species to work around this, but this severely limits the compatability of other pieces. In the case of forced breeding this obviously cannot occur.

Genetics and Reproduction

Artificial Chimeras cannot reproduce on their own. It doesn't matter if they are alchemically created or magically manipulated to have a mutated offspring, Chimera Tabula Coactus is a purely artifical species and that cannot change. In some rare studies where an Artifical Chimera found and mated with a natural chimera, none of the artifical traits were carried over in the end, only the base building blocks for an embryo to form.

Growth Rate & Stages

Alchemicly made Chimeras are designed to be fully formed, although it may still take some time for all the synpases and muscles to work at 100% efficiency. The alchemic processes, even in the modern day with the rising of genetics, is too unstable to allow the Chimera to grow from infancy, as there's no telling if or when the body would stabilize itself.   Chimeras born out of forced mutation, on the other hand, tend to grow at the same rate as their primary bodies genetic match. While secondary characteristics like wings, sensory capabilities, or organs from seconday genetic matches can grow at different rates, the body will often slow or hasten their production to keep the Chimera healthy, although sometimes at the detriment of its health overall if nutrients are not managed and maintained.

Ecology and Habitats

In a perfect world, these creatures wouldn't exist to need a habitat at all, but ideally they'd have free range in a forest or mountainous region where there was plenty of prey for either carnivorous or herbivorous creatures. But, doing this would run the risk of ecosystem collapse as a Chimera needs more nutrition than its individual parts, and introducing that kind of creature to a natural environment is asking for chaos.


While they can be well trained, Artificial Chimeras are aggressive by nature, potentially due to internal pain and confusion from their strange form. This makes them particularly good guard dogs, however, and in the past their greatest era of creation was for just that reason, keeping wanderers away from their masters lair or protected areas.

Additional Information


Artificial Chimeras are made purely for domestication, as they can only be made through an alchemical process that forges them from base genetic material or via carefully practiced magic to induce a genetic mutation in the womb. These processes also allow for a sort of registration of ownership, so that the Chimera is already prepared and bonded to their creator, unless they did it wrong.

Average Intelligence

Depends, they have keen instincts and senses commonly, and these can be accented depending on the pieces that make them up.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The defensive benefits of a Chimera lies in it's sensory capabilities. Multiple minds often with various senses and dual processing proves an essential upgrade in capabilities, when enchanted and trained correctly. Chimeras typically gain the sensory abilities of their connected parts, although some traits such as unique types of sight or hearing are often shared among any head. For example, an Auracorn has the ability to sense magic through its central horn. If added onto a chimera with a wolf head, then that head will be able to sense magic as well although through scent or hearing.

Civilization and Culture


Artificial Chimera's first began as a theoretical concept in pre-Shattering alchemy and magical theory, with the first uncredited theories being published as far back as -2030 EE. However, the first successful subject was made in -1342 EE by Guiscard du Atalanta, or Guiscard the Atalantean aka Guiscard the Skin-Shaper, an infamous but prodigal alchemist and transmutive wizard who set the building blocks for dozens if not hundreds of scientific examinations of bodily magic.   His first Chimera was rather simple, a grey wolf and a great dane, he wanted to start somewhere genetically similar, but once he had the base formula down he started going further and further creating more and more, and seeking out rarer genetic samples all the while. So did his peers, as once his discovery was tested, he spread it out like wildfire. Many places of reputation denounced it and him, saying it was immoral and stepping into the domain of the gods, but since when have magic users been unilaterally worried about morals?   While the formula and process were refined long past Guiscard's own passing (executed for serial kidnapping and murder), it was not a common phenomenon as Artifical Chimeras burn out very quickly, whether they are made via the alchemical formula or by magically inducing genetic mutations within the womb. Their bodies, while stable, are merely not designed to power as much as they need to, and so the longest an Artifical Chimera has lived is 5 years. Nonetheless, it was a trend that was well known and intensly frowned upon.   By -1118 there were laws and intense punishment for engaging in the act or providing materials for it, and by -822 attempts stopped being recorded, or at least in ways that have existed to the modern day. From then on, it was in the realm of dark magic, something that could be done but was heavily taboo or carried a great cost.   Not much else has been notable about the process of creation Artifical Chimeras, especially as Necromancy took center stage as the black sheep of the magical world, but in the modern day with the rise of genetics research the question has been risen again. Many institutions and nations keep their strict laws against it, but some have turned that restriction to careful regulation, as there might always be a benefit from unknown science.
Scientific Name
Chimerica Tabula Coactus
5 years at most
Conservation Status
Illegal/heavily mandated to create
Average Height
Varies on materials
Average Weight
Varies on materials
Average Length
Varies on materials
Average Physique
Artificial Chimera's tend to be mostly muscle, designed as powerful guardians to eliminate passerbys.
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