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Charm of Stasis

"If I could save time in a bottle, the first thing that I'd like to do - is to save every day, 'Til eternity passes away, just to spend them with you."
Some of the simplest, and earliest, forms of magic were ennacted to preserve the life of something else, and it's no surprise as to why. Mortal ingenuity can solve for many things, but the fight against death and disease has always been hard fought, even in tales of the gods. While no one can cheat death or loss, they can do their best to stymie and stave it off, and thus various forms of magic were dedicated to the act, including the building blocks of magic that would eventually be turned into the Charms of Stasis, a type of enchanted item that preserves a subject in an unchanging, comatose state.


Magic that stabilized a body was already a mainstay for healers and necromancers alike, either stopping wounds from getting worse or keeping a body fresh and clean for further use. The problem lied in the universal problem of magic, it is at it's core temporary and dependent on the caster. Therefore, various different artificers and enchanters have tried their hand at creating a more permenant option. Eventually the arcane minds found the right formula for consistent stasis of the body no matter the condition, and eventually the proper application method as well.  


If one were to look at the bare pieces of the charms, they'd find it rather simple. There are spells beginner healers learn that seal wounds and stop the progression of death, and Necromancers learn early on how to preserve corpses to avoid rotting and putridness. However, in order to have these effects on continuously, overlapping each other, and applied to a whole body takes a level of complexity and care that its simple components decieve.  

Access & Availability

Charms of Stasis, despite having simple components, aren't easy to come by as the specific arcane coding that goes into their constant, body-wide usage leaves them on the rarer side of things. Still, it doesn't take much more than a lot of time and precision to make them, so a crafter can get one done easily enough given proper time.


The process of creating a Charm of Stasis is relatively simple. First, the key medium is a Band of some sort. Typically these are either bands of Blue, Green, and/or White cloth, or sometimes string although smaller items are trickier to enchant. For crafters using metal, purified Silver or Gold is the go-to choice, wood crafters like Cedar, Myrtle, Oak, Juniper, Pine, and for those who spring for stone or gem options there is a wide variety of options that are good for protective and preserving energies.   After the band type is selected, it comes down to carefully weaving the specifications and pathways for the magic, done however the crafter is most specialized in. This takes a decent amount of time, plenty of focus, and exact parameters. The fastest on average time for enchanting is 20 hours.   Once made, one simply needs to wrap the Charm fully around one part of the subject, with larger subjects, more than 20 square feet, requiring two to get full coverage. The magic will take effect, and the subject will be locked in stasis until the charm is undone. For living people put into stasis, they will enter a comatose-like state and will not need to breathe, eat, or drink until such a time that the charm is removed from their body.   The charm remains effective after multiple uses, but it is advised that you get the magic touched up yearly or bi-annually at least.
Parent Technologies
Social Impact
Not only has the edification of the charm given many reagents longer shelf lives, it's also kept many victims of grevious injuries or diseases alive long enough to get seen by medics, or at least for their families and loved ones to say goodbye.
Charms of Stasis are used in order to keep their subject from undergoing any decay or changes to biology. While smaller, simpler versions of this spell are used on inanimate objects, to keep an item from drying or wilting for example. Most notably, the technology was created in order to prevent bodily decay or the spread of degenerative diseases, with the body being locked in a comatose-like state of pure stasis.


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Aug 12, 2024 04:53 by Susanne Lamprecht

This is an amazing approach to a magical way to incorporate the stasis field into a world. I love it!

Vampire loving servant of several chaotic forces.

Current Project: Die verlorenen Legionen

Aug 12, 2024 05:55 by Valentine Myers

Thank you! Edda is definitely a high-magic setting, and I don't shy away from using that to bring in some more tech-like things, just with a more rustic and fantasy appearance to them.