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Mahele Koa Akua

“Always render more and better service than is expected of you, no matter what your task may be.”
Each of the Six Clans of the 'Oki Islands have believed themselves to be the fittest to lead the nation at one point in time. While that mentality has faded to a unity conciousness, it didn't stop each clan from having their own champion of their gods known as the Akua Naika. In the past these powerful warriors did battle against each other for fame, for glory, and to protect the people of their clan from invasion and shame.   These days, as the 'Oki Islands work together, so too do the Akua Naika , as a special military task force known as the Mahele Koa Akua. While their day-to-day duty consists of little more than protecting sacred spaces of Gaia's Totems and escorting key leaders, they can be called and relied on to tackle the deadliest of foes, be they monster or military.



The specific ranks of the Akua Mahele Koa are filled with the Six Akua Naika, chosen fighters from each of the 'Oki Islands six clans tested and expected to be at the pinnacle of greatness. As such, they are only six people strong, however each of them carries strength that rivals platoons in effectiveness, and if they are ever put to serious task they will have the strength of the entire military at their disposal.


The Akua Mahele Koa take orders from the Council Leader and the other Counsellors from the six clans, and often show up when other military units are called unless there is a specific reason not to. Amongst themselves, there's no strict hirearchy, although many squadrons do it based on seniority when other circumstances don't interfere.


Given that the Akua Naika are all powerful individuals in their own right, many "tactics" amount to one of them showing up and routing the problem, usually a monster or an unprepared foreign squadron. In cases where they do require more strategic planning, it is largely based on the specific team members skills, as there aren't uniform requirements for the position.   If they join other Mahele Koa for their missions, the Akua Naika often take a key position either at the front or in a supportive position.


Even before one is chosen to be an Akua Naika, they must prove themselves to be at the apex of their abilities, whether that be in the tactical, the physical, or the magical. Even for prodigies, this takes years of training and mastery to undergo, and when they are given the title of Akua Naika they are expected to keep honing their abilities, especially in concert with their fellows among the Mahele Koa Akua.


Logistical Support

Alongside having the support of military resources overall, such as the various other platoons, scientific teams, medical personell, etc, the Mahele Koa Akua have a specific team of supporters known as the Lawelawe Akua. They are responsible for making sure all of their supplies, save for the divine artifacts, are in top condition, and otherwise act like personal secretaries for the Akua Naika. Despite this being a more passive position, they are often highly trained soldiers in their own right, making them on the level of second-in-commands should the moment call for it.


The Mahele Koa Akua can call in any platoon available should the moment call for it. A platoon called for this way will be given the same priority of movement and equipment as the Mahele Koa Akua until the incident has been finished.


While the upkeep of their usual supplies and vehicles can be costly, and certainly replacing the items that they use to train is a heavy portion of their budget, when it comes to large-scale expenses the Mahele Koa Akua are rather cost-effective. They pride themselves on getting a task done quickly, skillfully, and without any fuss, leaving little room for lengthy eroding tasks or collateral damage.


The Mahele Koa Akua is constantly made up of the current Akua Naika, chosen divine soldiers proven to be at the height of their power. This is a compulsory assignment, as to be granted the title of Akua Naika is to serve Gaia's Totems and the people of the 'Oki Islands. Any who are not up to the task cannot be granted the title. Other than the fact that each of the six clans only has one Akua Naika at a time, the rest is free game.


For centuries the Akua Naika have existed, champions of the six clans that used to fight for supremacy over the 'Oki Islands. While the early 200's EE saw the end of all-out violent wars between the clans, there were still many skirmishes, competitions, and ire between each of them. The attitude for that began to change on a large level between the 300-400's EE, as the continued attention from the rest of Edda proved to be daunting, and many people of the Islands wanted to unite properly for safety.   Discussions, debates, and small steps were made all through to the early 500's, when a monumental week-long debate between the leaders of the six clans ended in the agreement that they will band together to lead and govern the 'Oki Islands as a unified cabinit, recognizing all of the clans and their people. It wasn't a smooth transition, nor was it universally popular, but it was what they had chosen to do to stand up against the wider world.   To aid in this transition, the Mahele Koa Akua was officially formed, uniting each of the divine champions to work for the protection of the 'Oki Islands as a whole. Tensions were rough at first, as fellow divine champions were quite prideful, but no major incidents seperated the team.   To the modern day, the Mahele Koa Akua have been the shining stars of the 'Oki Islands defense. They have slain monsters, fought against Beasts of Calamity, routed invading armies, and kept not only the land and temples of the 'Oki Islands safe, but its people as well, regardless of which clan they hail from.

Historical loyalties

Ever since the Akua Naika came together, their loyalites have been to all people of the 'Oki Islands. This has caused some contention, as in the early days many of the Akua Naika still had their clan-specific pride, and many times a Counsellor or even the Council Leader had tried to bend the rules and protections, but each time their loyalty to the people, all people, of the Islands has won out against any other potential loyalty.
Special Forces
1/10/515 EE
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy
Used by
Ranks & Titles


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Aug 17, 2024 17:14 by Marjorie Ariel

That's nice that they were able to come together to defend the 'Oki Islands as a unit. I definitely don't want to mess with them.