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Queen Rosellia Titania Siog

Queen Rosellia Titania Siog (a.k.a. The Vanquisher)

“She who loves roses must be patient and not cry out when she is pierced by thorns."
The Midnight Realm is a chaotic demiplane of entire monster kingdoms. However, that chaos is manages and maintained by a powerful force, the titanic head of the The Kingdom of Midnight, Queen Rosellia Titania Siog.   Originally just a noblemans daughter, she worked her way through a perilous quest to achieve an artifact of great power, and since having it she has performed a single-handed beat down of any opposition, as she has used and will continue to use her titanic power and mental prowess to ensure that her Kingdom lasts forever.   Her current goal is to invade the Material Plane and connect their Leylines, allowing her to control them as she controls the entire Midnight Realm via her connection to the artifact. Whether or not she will succeed is a question that depends on Fate, and the heroes who will arise to stop her. As for if that is her only motive, then only time and truth can tell.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Rosellia was already a rather tall and well-built individual, but after her transformation via the Rose of Genesis she became massively tall, and while she physically didn't change on a muscular level she gained unparalleled strength.

Identifying Characteristics

Rosellia's sheer presence is enough to tip you off about who you're dealing with, but if you needed any other convincing, her rosebud pupils are a key giveaway.

Special abilities

Alongside her own powerful strength, speed, and durability, Rosellia is a Kingsblood Vampire, one with mental dominion over weaker Vampires, and for someone like her just about any vampire is weaker. She's also able to summon shadowy clones of herself via her "Pet".

Apparel & Accessories

Rosellia likes to wear elegant black dresses when at home, as well as fancy and well-designed hats.

Specialized Equipment

After her rise to the station of Queen, Rosellia had a powerful set of arms built for herself. These resulted in her Black Rose Armor, pieces of pristine black steel armor that summon themselves around her when called, on top of her Black Rose Blade, a greatsword that has the ability to seperate and function like a bladed whip.   She has commissioned various other Black Rose Arms, often imbuing them with the Rose of Genesis' own power before handing them to her most trusted subordinates, but those two are the pieces that're always hers and hers alone.

Mental characteristics

Personal history


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The Midnight Realm. A demiplane of eternal night, lit by a blood-red moon. It was artifically made by a secret order of powerful mages some 3000 years ago using replicas of real places in Edda, for a purpose few living can know. While they prepared some grand ritual, the plane became home to various creatures, as the demiplane was infused with a deathly energy that certain creatures feast well off of. But, when The Shattering occured and kicked off it's eponymous era, the plane not only became isolated from its creators, but the necrotic creatures were mutated and changed by the magical backlash all the while.   Lycanthropes and Vampires were the most prevelant, and corpses that were within the copied pieces of land began to rise as deathless zombies. Over time, the necrotic energy and the isolated nature of the plane drew in others who could breach the veil, mainly spirits, hags, dark Demivines, and Demons. Unfortunaltey for everyone, many of the Vampires that had come to the realm were pieces of the Vampire Nation that had spread around Edda, and were ready to establish their kingdom once more.   The Shattering had made a mess of the copied land that was used to create the Midnight Realm, but there were enough pieces to build something new, and the Lycans and Zombies, easy victims of the Vampires mental prowess, made easy manual labor to set up their kingdom. It didn't take long for that to turn sour for them, with the Lycans and Zombies creating their own united nations. Unfortunatley for this cause, the Lycans were still easily routed when the Hags allied with the Vampires to create their own piece of the realm, devoted to their dark covenry.   But, with the Demivines and Spirit Kingdoms being neutral in the fight, and the Demons working for whoever they make their deals with, it just left the Zombies against the Vampires. Luckily, they are quite undying, and after many years began to develop more of their original personalities and mental capacities, turning them into an undying army of strategists and soldiers. This is what has led to the eternal status quo of the Midnight Realm and The Eternal War.   This is the context, in which Rosellia was born.

Early Life

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Rosellia was born nearly 1000 years after the Eternal War began in full, and by that time very little had changed. The Midnight Kingdom had been laid out in full, the Hags and Demivine had created their realms of magic and power, the Lycans had uprisings every decade, almost on the dot, but all were squshed by vampiric might and hag curses, the Spirits stayed to themselves, the Demons made their deals, and the Zombies would not stop coming.   It became especially irritating when the Zombies somehow regrew their souls, or something that was to be like a soul, which allowed them to reconstitute a new ghoulish body back in their home soil once they died, leaving them to ennact reckless tactics and suicide missions without fear of losing numbers. These tactics lost the Midnight Kingdom a lot of ground, and even if they'd beat the armies back in little time, they'd only have a matter of weeks before the game of hot potato began again.   When she was born, Rosellia was no queen, her family were barely Dukes, she was merely a listless girl in an eternal night that had no chance of changing. If you asked her to describe any part of her life at that point, she would struggle to tell you. Everything was a complete blur, that only remains real due to written records. It was by no means a bad upbringing for her, after all she was perfectly placting nobility, and excelled in her studies. But, throughout the entirety of her early life, she never felt more than a low rumble of emotion or connection with the world around her.   That is, of course, until there was a fateful encounter. One night at another of the Midnight Court's galas, she was approached by a member of high nobility: Grand Duchess Adelle Powell, one of the oldest vampires within the realm as well as the court Mage and Alchemist. While the young noble was defferent, she clearly did not have the same fear or adoration that Powell was used to, and so the mage couldn't help but ask why that was.   "It is simple," The young girl answered, "We are eternal pieces on an unchanging board. In ten years, one hundred, dare I say a thousand, we shall remain and be facing against the same foes slamming against our walls. I respect your position and the skills I assume led you there, but past that we are all equally irrelevant."   The Mage found the answer most interesting, and told the girl that "Once you find the heart to change, come find me."   That time would come soon, as Rosellia would soon join the royal guard, as was the duty of many nobles, and use her prodigal strength and tactics on the battlefield. It was on this battlefield against Zombies armed with rudimentary explosives that she realized a grave error in her thinking: the Zombies could come back time and time again, meanwhile the Vampires were ageless after adulthood, and had powerful regenerative abilities, but they could still be killed.   She saw her platoon of 30 drop to merely 4 as the result of fire burning away the Vampires natural regnerative abilities. She understood now, that the pieces changed all the time, it was just their side was the only one changing. It made sense, now, why birth rates were so important to the commanders and royals when Vampires did not have to fear old age and the loss of their legacies. It made sense as to why so many patrol parties had been slipping their way to the material plane, and bringing back new Vampires. They were replenishing their stock of shields against the mad rush of the Zombies.   They were not eternal soldiers. They were eternal cannon fodder.   Once she returned hom, Rosellia stormed into Powell's castle, feeling the spike of anger for the first time in her life. The mage could only grin in satisfaction.

The Reign of the Rose

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Powell told the newly incensed Rosellia of an artifact she heard rumors of since the dawn of the realm, one that would give the owner the power of the realm itself. Strength beyond measure, knowledge beyond parallel, perhaps even the strength to reshape the land itself should she get enough power. So far, it had been unclaimed, but Powell believed that Rosellia had the best chance of claiming it. The reason? She simply didn't care about anything else.   This would spur Rosellia to undergo a quest to find the artifact, The Rose of Genesis.   It would be a trecherous journey, that would take Rosellia nearly three decades to accomplish. She had to traverse and search various lands within the Midnight Realm, explored and unexplored alike, as well as take departures into the material plane from time to time, a dangerous endeavor. She needed to make the perfect deals with demons and the hags, swearing away only as much as she could give and orchestrating the circumstances where they'd owe her in return. She needed to play and win the game of respectability and status among the spirits, and keep a steely face of neutral piety among the demivine, although that task was perhaps the easiest.   And of course, she needed to slay the Lycans and the Zombies who would see her torn to shreads, a lone vampire seemingly defenseless. But, this all would steel her into a much more sure fire fighter and strategist than mere noble education could get her, and all along this journey she felt her emotions spike time and time again. Fear, Envy, Wrath, Joy, so many new experiences built up her mind, but still pushed her forward to claiming the power of the Rose.   Eventually, she found her final destination. The furthest point of the blood-red oceans from any land. She sailed out with a small rowboat, found the exact location, and dropped into the endless waters.   The oceans of the Midnight Realm are infested with strange monstrosities, some sentinent and malicious, others instinctive and animalistic, but massive and hungry creatures nonetheless. Armed with her best blade, Rosellia sank into the deep, hacking and slashing at all the monsters that tried to make a meal out of her. Eventually, however, they began to overwhelm her, their maws and tendrils taking continous toll on her body, and her regeneration was only keeping up so much.   As she fell further down, losing the light above from the depth and the mass of mosnter gathering above her, she felt that this potent fear, this despair inthe face of death, might be the last true emotion she'd ever feel. Even if it was, she'd go down fighting.   But, she wouldn't have to fear for long, as suddenly her senses shifted, and she found herself not sinking, but rising upwards, accelerating in speed until finally she breached the "surface" of a new realm. She came upon a small island standing in a vast ocean, with the blood-red moon much closer, taking up the entire horizon. As she dragged herself onto that island, she saw a long dead and dry tree, and a single, equally dead, thorny rose bush.   Before she could consider the implications of this, there was suddenly another figure on the island. In place of the tree there was a tall figure, with thick black layers of cloth wrapped all around its form, the ends that hit the ground flicking and whipping around like a horde of snakes, or perhaps a web of tentacles. It's "face", for as much as that meant, seemed to be covered by a mask of sharp, dark wrought iron, welded in an irregular diamond shape that almost resembled a birds beak.   It asked her two questions in a voice that seemed artifical and canned as if coming from a metal pipe, but also raspy and full of anguish, as if the speaker had cried themselves hoarse ages ago.   "W̶h̷a̴t̶ ̴i̴s̶ ̸i̵t̶ ̵t̸h̴a̴t̷ ̶y̸o̶u̶ ̵s̴e̴e̸k̸,̸ ̷d̵e̴t̶e̴s̴t̸a̷b̵l̶e̸ ̴c̴h̶i̴l̶d̵?̵" Her response, "I seek to end this eternal stalemate, and take full command of the Midnight Realm, by any means necessary."   "A̴n̶d̸ ̵w̵o̵u̵l̵d̷ ̴y̸o̶u̷ ̵t̸a̵k̷e̵ ̷u̸p̷o̶n̷ ̶t̵h̵e̶ ̴b̷u̵r̷d̷e̴n̶ ̵o̶f̸ ̵t̸h̸i̴s̸ ̷a̸n̷c̵i̶e̷n̸t̶ ̵h̴e̶a̵r̴t̶?̴ ̴T̴h̵i̸s̷ ̸b̶l̷o̴o̵d̶ ̸a̴n̴d̷ ̷h̶a̵t̶r̷e̸d̵ ̵s̸o̶a̵k̸e̵d̶ ̸h̴e̵a̷r̷t̷ ̴t̷h̶a̶t̷ ̷o̶u̶g̶h̵t̵ ̸t̸o̴ ̷h̴a̶v̶e̸ ̵d̵i̷e̴d̴ ̵e̸o̶n̵s̴ ̴a̵g̵o̵?̶" It asked, towering over her. Her response, "My own is empty for this world. But it's borders have been expanded," She put her hands on the cold metal of the entitys face, nearly freezing from one touch. "If you are truly the power of the Rose of Genesis, than I shall take all of you."   A creaking, strained laugh dripped from the masked entity. "Y̷o̶u̵ ̸a̴r̴e̸ ̶a̵ ̴s̷e̴l̷f̷i̶s̸h̶ ̸c̶h̶i̵l̴d̸.̶" Her response, "To take the world, I would have to be no less.   The creature plunged its pointed "beak" into Rosellia's chest as if it was made of tissue paper, and she felt it devour her heart. The being looked into her mind, and saw her journey to that point, and found this vessel...satisfactory.   She then felt the metal of the beak open, and a soft, warm sensation fall from its mouth into her newly emptied chest. Once it settled within, the shadowy figure vanished, and the Rose began to do its work, as Rosellia writhed and screamed in agony.
A week later, the main palace of the Vampire Kingdom saw an odd visitor. A towering dark-skinned woman, with pure white eyes with no pupils, but instead the image of a rose bud emblazened within each eye. She wore an elegant black frilly dress decorated with fabric in the shape of black rose buds, and even wore an elegant banquet hat with a large brim. When she was stopped by guards, who were not informed of a guest on this day, they asked her to identify herself.   "Darlings, I am your new Queen! I recommend you stand aside, or stand below."   They did not stand aside. The next patrol would find them diced in the hallway.   Thus began the Reign of Rosellia, as her assult on the castle ousted the ineffective court that had perpetuated the Eternal War, and destroyed hundreds of their most loyal knights. By the time that week was through, Rosellia was crowned and bowed to as the Queen of the Vampires, with the wise Grand Duchess Powell by her side.

The Broad Strokes Since

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After taking power, Queen Rosellia made aggressive changes to the Eternal War, using her power and new wealth of historical knowledge and esoterica to make the Hags and Demivine bow before her, and use these selfsame resources to bind demons to her will en masse. Ths spirits could stay neutral, but if they broke that for the opposite side, then the were made well aware that the Queen had a deadly new pet.   Her first apperance on the battlefield was in the middle of the Undead Plains where a large portion of their forces would rise. It was then that she unleashed perhaps the most singular frightening thing in her arsenal. From her shadow, after a gathering of intense magical power, a massive creature towering 30 feet at least burst from the ground, with long strips of shadow-like tendrils down it's form, and the same mettallic fascimile of a beak shrieking eldritch notes of magical power.   From beneath the cloak a shadow spread like an ocean of darkness, and copies of Rosellia, each possessing her titanic strength, came and assulted the Zombies that were still animate, and to their horror the beast devoured the souls of those who fell, ensuring that they could never return once again. While they did not give up, merely retreating to parts the Vampires could not easily follow, Rosellia decided fear would be their best tactic. Besides, if the war was just over and everything was peachy, then what would all of these perfectly good soldiers do with their time?   Since then, a new status quo has formed, a much more peaceful one, for the vampires at least, as the Zombies are mostly reactive defenders against Vampire raids, the Lycans have fully been brought in-line as slave labor after the capture of their own Queens capture, and the remaining kingdoms of the Midnight Realm are tightly allied with them. Skirmishes and upsets happen, but with Queen Rosellia's own insane strength and brutal nature, she doesn't even need to bring out her Pet to solve those issues.   So too has the court been reformed. No longer was simple nobility and prestation the maker of a powerful courtier, but true strength, as the Rozen Court was formed to support the Queen and all her endeavors. Mostly, it's been a time of peace allowing the Vampires to grow stronger, more learned about the realm, and set their sights on grander ambitions. The Queen even had a daughter, although no one knows who the father was outside of apparently being a mortal human. Nonetheless, the Dhampire Princess, Lillian Ariel Siog, was a well-loved and protected child. Although, certain bloody circumstances drove the two apart nontheless.   Now, a handful of centuries later, a crises seems to be facing the Midnight Realm, one tied to it's very creation, a secret that Rosellia knows all too well. So, her solution to this problem? Set her sights on the material plane that cast off the Midnight Realm millenia ago, and take their power for her kingdom, for Queen Rosellia will not give up her kingdom any time soon.


Rosellia got a standard education for a noble of her rank when she was younger. But, after taking in the Rose of Genesis, she has a wealth of knowledge and memories to pull back on, as the Rose is the very heart of the Midnight Realm itself, and knows almost everything about what has gone on within its borders.

Morality & Philosophy

Rosellia acts for herself first, and for the Midnight Realm second, followed by literally everything else. No atrocity is too harsh, no deal isn't worth it, no sacrifice is too costly for the sake of her rule and the kingdom which she rules.

Personality Characteristics


Rosellia's motivation is to make the Midnight Realm a powerful kingdom under her eternal rule, and recently it has mutated into capturing the Material Plane in an eternal night and binding the Midnight Realm to it, using it like a battery.


Social Aptitude

Rosellia, as a Queen, is highly versed and skilled in social practices and manipulations. It was a key part of development she underwent during her quest for the Rose, as previously she had been rather uninterested in any sort of social subterfuge, preferring blunt honesty.   She carries herself with an inflappable neutrality, but where before it was blank-faced and uncaring, it is now eerily smiling, waiting for the smallest crack to decimate anyone who would speak against her. Hell, even those who speak in favor of her get this treatment, as she loves to see them sweat and test their convictions.


When moving, when standing, when speaking, when fighting, Rosellia moves like a dancer. Mostly, like a ballerina, although she often does not stay on the tips of her toes. But the way she holds her arms, her heads, the graceful sway in which her entire body contorts to her whim, it all has the grace of a skilled performance, with only the dead she leaves behind as an audience.
Lawful Evil
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • The Vampire Queen
  • Lady of the Rose
  • Genesis
  • Midnight Realm Incarnate
  • The Murder Queen
  • Mistress of Death
  • Silver Maiden
~600, give or take a few decades
She/We/Your Majesty
Cis Woman
Feminine, Regal
White with the image of roses for pupils
Long and Raven-Black with thick curls
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
7' 3"
A Lady Never Tells~
Aligned Organization


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