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Ricky Ramones

Riccardo Sua Ramones (a.k.a. Ricky Ray)

"This world's always been shit, and each and every day it's still shit, while the shittiest people make their shittiest decisions to stay just as elitely shitty as they have been their entire f***ing lives. Makes me damn sick, and makes me damn angry. Never learned to talk good or write pretty, so I sing it and do it f***ing dirty, and if other people turn their bloody heads around and start getting just as mad, all the better for it. I'll keep goin' 'till this whole f***ing shitty country burns."
A rebellious musician from the north of Atalanta, Ricky Ramones is a superstar in the new genre of Rock music. With the advent of Crystal amplifiers and artificed instruments of metal and electricity, the loud and roaring genre has made way for a new outlet of emotions, and Ricky has a near-endless source of rage to put into his heavy metal musical mission.   An anarchist, a revolutionary, an all-out fighter, a community supporter, a loudmouth rebel, and a bit of a slut Ricky doesn't do anything by anyone elses standards, and if you have a problem with that you can take it up with him at your own peril.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Ricky is thin, almost to the point of malnourishment, with red skin, two curled red horns coming from the top of his brow ridge, pointed ears and all-black eyes with gold irises. His eyes have two thick white streaks across them going to the temples, which he claims to be a birthmark of sorts. He has a slightly aquiline nose with a piercing through the bridge, crimson red lips with four large tusks jutting outward from the jaw. He also has four horn-like bone spurs coming from the corners of his jawline and his chin. Finally, he has long, wavy black hair and shaggy yet short chest and facial hair, with a long and slim red tail with a black spaded tip.

Body Features

While looking a bit malnourished, Ricky doesn't look sickly, having that sort of shrink-wrapped thin muscle definition, especially on his hands which get a lot of definition and exercise from guitar playing.

Identifying Characteristics

Ricky's eyes are rather wide and striking, making him easy to pick out in a crowd, and not many Gemborne have the jaw-spurs like he does. He also is rather tall but is constantly slouching, giving him a noticable gait and presence.

Physical quirks

Ricky likes to fiddle with his hands or tap his feet when bored, especially if there isn't enough noise around to keep him occupied. He also tends to slouch to avoid catching his horns on things.

Special abilities

While he's never studied Bardic magic, he does have some talent for it, and often leaves his audiences feeling invigorated and inspired to take some class action.

Apparel & Accessories

Ricky loves to wear black clothing and black jewlery, having multiple piercings with black metal. His personal style is self-described as resourceful, while his friends say he hates buying new clothes and likes to dress like a slut, said in a positive manner.   It is true he likes to dress light, frequently wearing cropped shirts, mesh woven tops, going shirtless under a large coat of some sort, and frequently having short and torn up pants. He also enjoys covering himself in jewlery, either necklaces, wristbands, piercings, rings, or anything else that strikes his fancy. Notably, he doesn't wear "good looking" jewlery or anything made from pristine metals, instead going with cheap options like iron or hand-made pieces.

Specialized Equipment

Ricky has four guitars that he dotes on as if they were his own children. One of them is an acoustic guitar named Maria he's had since the age of 16, the one that started his career. He has two more that are engineered metal-string guitars designed to hook up to the crystal amplifiers he uses for his concerts. One of these, named Sally, was made by the main engineer of his crew, and the other, Laurence, was his own creation but still needs some fine-tuning. The last is a beast he calls Brunhilda, which not only is a metal-string guitar, but is also designed to work as a functional battle-axe, with the sides of the guitar switching from a metal-plated bludgeon to sharp axe edges.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Ricky was born male and loosely identifies as such. However, he refuses to be tied down by the common conceptions and trappings of masculinity, and really presents however the hell he wants, and if anyone objects they can say it to his face and deal with the consequences. As such, he often wears all manners of clothing, jewlery, makeup, and hair styling depending on his mood that particular day.


Ricky has described himself in interviews as an "Omnisexual f***ing love god who's f***cked enough people to line the country two times over, with a third trip in progress!" Of course he was very drunk while saying this and so very prone to exaggeration. However, he has historically had a whole slew of partners, consistent and brief alike, of all kinds.


Ricky dropped out of standard education around the age of 16, focusing more on learning about music theory and a touch of engineering for his current, dream career. He's gotten to be quite knowledgeable on the electronic side of things, although he still leaves the fine-tuning to his crew when it come sto shows.


Ricky has been a career musician for around eight years now and is moderatley successful on a local level. When between gigs for the Burning Hearts, he will often open or guests for other local rock bands, or help them out with some mechanic knowledge. Before he made his musical break he worked at various underground bars and venues, and sometimes still does work the bar as an odd job, especially at La Détritus, a bar owned by a close friend.

Morality & Philosophy

He is a very brash and brutal person, and can be quite often pessimisstic to annoying levels, but at his core Ricky is a rather moral person, even if said morals often clash with the official laws. The main reason he got into the genre of music he inhabits now is because of the rage he felt inside at his mistreatment and the mistreatment of others via the ruling majority demographics of Paris, and so he does everything in his power at every oppritunity to ruin the pristine grace those ruling majorities would want to keep, bringing their uncomfortable hypocrisy to the surface while lifting up the outcast.

Personality Characteristics


Ricky's main motivation for his music is revolution. Despite the changes of the modern day in the wake of the Border Wars, Atalanta has been entrenched in old politics, old money, and old nobility for far too long, while entire demographics like the Parisian Dark Elves or those in poverty, to just name a few, constantly get shat on and stepped over, and no one bats an eye. Having been part of one of those demographics, it lit a fire of rage that he turned to music to articulate, and the constant nature of this class divide only keeps that fire burning as he sees and faces it more and more.

Likes & Dislikes

According to interviews with Gutters Magazine, Ricky listed his likes as
  • Spicy food, that strong shit from Kaguya or Afallon
  • Whisky and Bourbon, but red wine gets him fine if it's cheap enough
  • The feeling of sweat down his back when a shows over
  • Hoes and blokes with some meat on their bones, especially if they have fat asses
  • "Cats are pretty cute I guess. Wait, shit DON'T PRINT THAT!"
As far as dislikes went, that section covered almost an entire page, and most of them came down to aspects of Parisian high society that seep into the common culture and conciousness.


Ricky doesn't care about personal presentation all that much, but he still keeps a basic standard of hygine for his health. Can't start a revolution if he kicks it by 35 y'know?


Contacts & Relations

His closest friends and contacts are his bandmates in the Burning Hearts, who are as follows:
  • Hed T'hudá-Binah - Dark Elf, They/Them, 28, Bass Guitarist
  • Louise Adal - Beastfolk, She/They, 32, Drummer
  • Elouan Auréole - Human, He/Him, 24, Backup Guitarist
  • Goliath "Meg" Megalos - Giant, She/Her, 37, Lights Crew
  • Mael Bolloré - Halfling, He/Him, 31, Sound Crew Lead/Engineer
  • Tullio Robin - Orc, They/Them, 21, Sound Crew Assist
  • Siria Guillot - Gemborne, She/Her, 58, "Manager"/Booking, owner of La Détritus

Family Ties

Ricky has never talked about his family much, publically or privately. One can presume they're still alive, as he isn't that old, and as far as he has mentioned still in the town of Ilus where he grew up. But other than that, he's only said that they were "probably too young to have me" and were "big fans of percussive maintenance"

Social Aptitude

Ricky knows how to work a crowd to get them pumped up and ready for a volley of aggressive, high-octane, rebellious music, and also has the force of command to cut the line in an emergency. He's also very fllirtatious in a dominant way, having snagged many lovers in a swoon. He is incredibly blunt, however, especially when talking to someone he doesn't like, which is mostly everyone outside of his social circles.

Hobbies & Pets

While he keeps it very much a secret, he has three pet cats at home. A black cat named Minnie (short for Midnight), a tortiseshell named Nu, and a white short-hair cat named Donald. He dotes on them incessently, and when he's away from Paris for a show he's constantly worried about them.   As for hobbies, he casully tinkers and reverse-engineers plenty of electrical bits to get a better practical understanding of them, which he finds easier than Mael's booksmart methods.


Ricky likes to ramble and is often very loud and overbearing in a conversation. He has no concern or care to police his language or code switch, so anyone he's talking to better get ready for the mouth of a sailor no matter what mood he's in. His large teeth make it a bit hard for him to enunciate every word properly, but he makes sure he gets his point across, either through deeper explanation or with his fists.

Wealth & Financial state

Ricky makes enough from his concerts and odd jobs to keep pushing out his music and messages, but doesn't bother himself with saving much outside of band expenses. If he does end up making a lot of money he often finds some place to get rid of it, be it a charity or another up-and-coming band.
Picrew link:>Here<
Minor Edits done by myself
Chaotic Good
Current Status
Practicing for his next gig
Current Location
Date of Birth
19th of Drying Summer
Year of Birth
979 EE 30 Years old
Ilus, Atalanta
Current Residence
La Détritus, an alt culture club a friend owns
Male enough
Black sclera w/ diamond-shaped golden irises
Long, lightly curled, black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Red n' rough
6' 4"
168 lbs
The almighty power of Music
Aligned Organization


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Aug 7, 2024 11:38

I love that Ricky seems to still remember what it was like to be the small guy just starting out and is willing to help out those who are in that position.

Check out some of my summer camp articles, like the dangerous flying jackalope or dragon wasps. Or, for something more light-hearted, there is the whimsical language Gobbledygook and Jaden's interesting job as a guano polisher.
Aug 10, 2024 06:09 by Valentine Myers

Nothing more punk than helping the community, cause the corpos and politicians never will B)