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Second Chance Outreach

"Never respect men merely for their riches, but rather for their philanthropy; we do not value the sun for its height, but for its use."
Edda is a world full of wealth of various means, but many people do not find it within them to spread it too wide, barring things like taxes. That is where Marion de Chance differs from the common member of the high class, as she gives her gold freely and with enthusiasm.   It has led to many labels, that of naivity, two-facedness, of scheming, and fraud. But, past all the prying eyes and snipping tongues, Marion de Chance's generosity is a hearthfire that is not set to go out any time soon. Such is the purpose of the Second Chance Outreach organization, to channel her generosity in an official beauracratic entity that can reap all the benefits and all the loopholes of a company.


Marion de Chance heads the company as one of three directors, next to her sister Delilah de Chance and Usoa Berger, a hired director. Alongside them there are a small handful of staff to handle incoming correspondence and project management where the directors cannot step in. Other than that, it is mainly a volunteer organization, with many offering their time and aid when the time calls.


Marion de Chance is the dictionary definition of Philanthropist with a level of generosity and passion that many take as childishness. This enthusiastic kindness filters into many of the staff and volunteers of the Outreach, especially as she makes sure that they are well taken care of as well. Her fellow directors are a touch more "immune" to this infectious kindness, especially her sister, but even they cannot avoid being strung on her whirlwind ideas.

Public Agenda

The agenda for Second Chance Outreach is to provide aid to a variety of locations and situations. This has ranged from supporting diaster relief efforts, civil rights organizations, families in poverty, underfunded infrastructural areas, community construction efforts, and so on and so forth. Most of this has been focused in Paris and/or Atalanta as a whole, but recently the organization has opened locations in other nations as well.


The organization has the full backing of the De Chance fortune, which due to its popular and cutting-edge engineering is a vastly wealthy company, even before one considers their other businesses and investments. It also has gained various stores of necessary materials for disaster relief, vehicles for many occasions, magical resources especially involving transportation, and the labor and loyalty of many dozens of staff and volunteers.


Marion de Chance has always been a philanthropist. Born to a wealthy family, but tragically losing that wealth due to circumstances outside of her control, once she gained a new fortune in the technological sphere, she wasted no time in cementing herself as a generous and caring woman. So, it came to no ones surprise when she started an official charity in order to further legalize and cement her philanthropy throughout the world.   In Paris so far, she has donated thousands of gold to various infrastructural improvements, civil rights organizations such as the Deep Peoples Self-Advocacy Group, made sizeable donations to The Universit of Magical Improvement and created several full-ride scholarships, constantly opens food banks and other resource centers for impovirished and homeless people, and personally led diaster relief aid for rockslide and tsunami victims in recent disasters in Atalanta. And that's all just what's happening in her own backyard!   This all hasn't happened so smoothly, as many nobles of Atalanta see it fit to keep everything, including the squalor of the lower class, exactly as it is. Her greatest opponent is fellow social icon Garon Duvaniir, a slimey Dark Elf who, despite his constant grand-standing about his people, works against the common Dark Elf more often than not. He has tried at every turn to use some obscure law to get Second Chance fined into non-existance, if not hung at the jury of social perception, but luckily Marion knows the law herself. Plus, Delilah, her sister, is a terrifying political mind in her own right, making her a demon to go up against.   Recently, Second Chance Outreach has opened offices in Agartha and Hippolyta, with eyes set on Afallon, and Marion hopes to use this as a chance to not only spread her mission of philanthropy and generosity, but also to circumvent the ire of, in so few words, the traditional nobles who would see her assistance of the common individual as gauche at best and a social attack at worst.

For all who need another chance.

Founding Date
8/11/983 EE
Activist, Charity
Parent Organization


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