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The Second Advent of The Tower

"History repeats itself, first as a tragedy, second as a farce.”
The Mortal Forms had their apocalypse when The Tower first fell. The old world had many apocalypses as magic was shattered and the Wild Wall seperated them. The new world will have their shattering task as well, as sure as day turns to night. While the ending is preordained, let us enjoy their struggle to the bitter end.  


A corpse in a finely tailored suit stands with The Tower, biding its time until the world falls to its knees.   777 times it has bored its way through dimensions with the other 6 Impossible Monuments, and each time their eternal enemy has found them and pushed ever further inward. Now, it must return to its zeroth attempt to see if it is worthy once more.   When all 10 Beasts of Apocalypse have awoken to their station, when the seven Incarnates begin to awaken to the echoes in their multilayered lives, when Nine nations become Ten, then Mana shall die for 10 days and 10 nights as the barrier to the world is reduced to nothing. Then, as it breathes its first resurrected gasp, The Tower shall return to the world along with it.   It shall bring life and mystery to the desert, it shall be the beacon for all the world to see, and it shall be the first of the Monuments to settle into the earth with its affable pilot in tow. The Incarnates and the Heritors shall gather, triumph, and for a moment of time the pilot shall have hope. They will strike down the evils that lie in the hearts of men, the Beasts that stand to destroy the world, and even uncover and remedy the great sins of Edda itself. They shall purge truth from the mouth of monsters, and unite the realm in ways once thought impossible once more.   But it will not be enough, and they will fail sooner rather than later.   When the other Beasts fall the betrayer shall reveal his true colors, a knife in the backs of those who had already betrayed the world, and he shall claim dominion for himself. The sky will turn red and black flames shall open their maws and feast upon the truth of the world as agents of the pre-ordained lead their legions of universal editors. The valiant, the chosen, the blessed, the empowered, they will fight, they will challenge.   And one by one they will fall. Until all that is left is Fate and Madness. A deal is struck, a game began, and played over and over again. But it has already been won, and all has already been lost.   AHAHAHAHAHA

Historical Basis

The sequence of events was decided long ago. Even when variables are tested, nothing changes the outcome.   AHAHAHAHA


None have heard the clarion call of this prophecy yet, but the greatest of minds will be left in shambles as a result of it, especially as they see the impossible signs all around them.

Cultural Reception

The world shall panic, the world shall tremble, the world shall try to fight or resign to their fate, all options will lead to the same end eventually.
Date of First Recording
Unknown, prehistory
Date of Setting
Yet to come
Related Species


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Aug 6, 2024 05:50

Not just an interesting concept, but stunning wordcraft!