Elven abbot of the Nestoran Order of Bahamut, he has served for many years trying to bring the spirit of service and law to a city that resists it in the light of progress.
An ent that has taken a particular liking to Valla. He sees her as a sort of daughter, the kind that he cannot have without the Entwives, missing these many years. He looks for them now that Valla is grown a
A strange fae creature that lives in the Tlayrc Vara. He has the ability to grant information in return for something valuable, but he doesn't value material wealth, rather emotional wealth.
The guard captain in Lower Electin, she does her best to protect the city, but isn't granted much in the way of resources.
A captain of the Nestoran City Guard, Varkas is a hard-ass with a heart of gold. He does his best to keep his corner of the city clean, but it gets harder every day.
A youth living in the lowest decks of the Warship Fortitude, he is cared for and taught by the whole crew, though is kept from the knowledge of the captain.
A elf ranger with a keen eye and a love of the hunt. She and her companions search for legendary monsters to slay.
Lord of Forstwatch, a small fiefdom south-west of Nestora. He rules there with his new wife.
Captain of the Warship Fortitude and a stalwart soldier of the Kecksian Citizen's Navy
A kindly Watcher who lives in the forests of Valkana. His particular skills make him good at moving around quietly in the forest, and will try to guide travelers through safely when he encounters them.