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Eden is a world placed in between the realm of Balance and Chaos, the two intrinsically intertwined forming an inhabitable planet where the laws of nature are gray and undetermined. The planet itself is one composed of seven seas and the three great continents: Archea, Odessi, and Karn. Eden was formed when Seira the goddess of Balance and Allagi the god of Chaos sought control over Reality. The outpouring of the cosmological clash named the Inception led to the creation of a world governed both by Balance and Chaos, order and change. Although the deities have lost the majority of their powers during the Inception, they still influence the world in their own ways for their unknown purposes.   Life was created on Eden as an aftereffect of the powers of Seira and Allagi dispersing through the realms. Balance and Chaos infused different aspects of creation thus birthing the races of Eden. Out of the mud came Humans, from the stone came the Dwarves, from the trees came the Elves, and from the fire came Tieflings. Each of these races having infused different measurements of Balance and Chaos. From the primordial minglings of the Elder races came the Gnomes, the Halflings, the Half-elves, and various subraces. The animals and monsters of Eden were formed in the same way but were not infused with enough Balance to possess ordered minds, and as such only seem capable of feral lives. The kingdoms of Man, Elf, and Dwarf have been at war for dominion since their creation. Dynasties have come and fallen and none could claim victory for long. This time period is known as the Great War and lasted for 500 years. Major technological advancements were made during this time in all fields of science. Weapons that could destroy a mountain and medicines that could cure any injury were widespread. The Great War came to an abrupt end when a portal of pure Chaos opened on the island of Mageia, this event is referred to as the Reckoning. Allagi had gathered enough power from the Chaos of the Great War to open up a rift from his realm to Eden's. This realm brought forth streams of daemons, beasts, disease, mutations, and natural disasters. But most significant of all, it brought magic. It took the Elder races combined might to hold back the forces of the portal of Chaos. The effects had taken its toll, great cities fell to hordes of beats, the majority of the population had been wiped out by the diseases, and the natural disasters had altered the landscape, leaving little traces of the kingdoms behind. The Reckoning lasted for seven years before it vanished without a trace.   It is now the New Age. The races have begun to rebuild what once was, an uneasy alliance still standing to uphold some sense of stability. Kingdoms have once again formed. Magic now introduced to the world has been brought with contrasting reactions. Some kingdoms abhor it, naming it a scourge. Others embrace it, using its capabilities to advance their societies beyond what was once thought impossible. Almost all seek to control it, either by wiping it out or hoarding it for themselves.   Eden is in a new stage of life, forever altered by the Reckoning with an uncertain future ahead...

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