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Kordun is one of the larger islands West of Verondell, the largest continent in the world. Kordun itself has sever mountain ranges on the North-East side and a large mountain near the center. Several rivers run from the various mountains and the landscape is dotted with several large forests. Rolling hills can be found on the east and west side of the island and a salt-water swamp can be found in the South-West.


Throughout most of the year temperatures reach a healthy 18-32°C with a lot of sun. This changes from late autumn to early spring when the region is hit with several storms where the temperature plummets to 10°C as cool northern winds blow across the island.


Before The Plague

  Before Kordun was hit by the mysterious plague, it was dotted with several large villages most within two days of travel from each other. They each specialized in specific commodities for their part of the land, making trade simple.  

The Plague

In the year 584 CA (Caelynn Ascension) a mysterious plague hit all four villages at the same time, decimating the entire population. Those that were lucky enough escaped by boat to a smaller island directly south of Kordun. When they first arrived at the island, some were struck by diseases unique to the island and others died of poisonous food, animals or other dangerous predators. A small settlement was created by those that survived and over time they restored trade with Verondell and prospered.  

After The Plague

In the years following the plague, small scouting parties were sent back to Kordun to find survivors, but none were ever found. They did however record a gaping crevasse East of the Windy Hills and that the once vibrant forest surrounding As'lidin turned into a sickly forest with creatures that have strange mutations.
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