BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Session 1 - The adventure begins and the first "what the..."- moment

General Summary

Day 1

Our story begins in the capitol of Eden, Tel'Durel in the Sword and Shield headquarter's main hall. As those attending are receiving their missions from the Captain, Savven our feathered-friend is the very last one. The captain calls him over and goes:
I got a report from a scout stating that flying mountains have appeared over Minehead to the east. The Covenant and Archivists have each send a representative to have look, as this is the first Phantom Event of its kind.
He asks Savven to follow him to a hallway connecting to the main hall, where he's introduced to Jack (Archivist) and Jane (Covenant). After introductions are met, they instantly make way to Dorvin's Crossing. Upon arriving as the sun is starting to set, a woman comes running out of her home on the outskirts of time and implores the help from Savven and his party, her daughter went playing near the woods surrounding Dorwin's Crossing and hasn't come back for supper, she's never been late before. After asking where the stationed mercs from Sword & Shield are, Savven's informed that they're currently dealing with an Ogre sighting. Savven tells the distressed mother that he'll go look for her at sunrise, if her daughter hasn't returned by then. Fighting back tears, the mom complies and returns to her home.
  The party continues their way into the village and head straight for the local inn called: "Dashing Damsel Inn", which is run by a female Dwarf named: "Gothrika Ironforge", and her family. They take seat at a table and order the stew and some ale. A friendly discussion breaks out over dinner between Jack and Jane, as the conversation turns more hostile, Savven interferes and shuts Jake down, he apologizes to Jane for becoming a little agitated and they all continue their meal in silence. A little later a group of three members come in laughing, cheering and calling for some ale. One of them starts a conversation with Savven and over the course of a very short conversation he learns that the Ogre sighting, was in fact plural and the main reason why it took so long. Afterwards, the bruised Sword and Shield members go their merry way and Savven and his party go to their seperate rooms and have a good night's rest.

Day 2

Savven wakes up at the earliest possible sunrise, he wakes up Jack first, who had a very short sleep (he spend most of his night looking through various notes and maps he brought with him), with bags under his eyes he tells Savven he'll be down soon. Savven goes to Jane's room and knocks on that door aswell, but a cheerful "just a second" followed by the opening of the door less than a minute later. "Oh, it's you" Jane says, "I'll be down in a minute." and with that, Savven heads downstairs and waits. Jane arrives a little over 2 minutes later, but it takes Jack another 13 minutes, before he's down and he looks exhausted. They venture out towards the home of the mother and after a rude banging on the door, she opens the door, still in het night gown. "As promised" Savven begins:"here at sunrise, I assume your daughter has yet to return?". "Yes" the mother says in a soft voice, "Then we'll leave to search for her immediately". and he turns to leave, hearing a soft thank you from the mother.
  On the road to Minehead, just outside of town, Jack and Savven find some tracks near the trees and it appears that a scuffle happened there between a humanoid and some smaller humanoids, some additional tracking reveals a more footprints leading north, into the forest. They follow the tracks and sometime later they happen upon some goblins near a stream standing still like statues. They only start moving as Savven goes closer and appear to be foraging. Savven flies up out of sight and hides in a tree nearby, he starts speaking to them from his hiding place, but the goblins say they know nothing about a girl, but maybe their boss does and that they'll happily show him. Being a tiny bit naive, Savven reveals himself. He immediately regrets that decision as he's peppered with arrows. Jack and Jane run in to assist and they manage to kill three goblins as the last one flees. They wounded the little creature and have no problem tracking it after a short rest.
  At about noon, they come across a goblin camp, it's on alert, but not very high. Jane decides to bless the party for protection, but she has apparently angered the Five and is burned by the energy she wishes to control. This immediately alerts the goblin camp and the party is overwhelmed, Savven goes down first, his world turns to black as he sees Jane fall next to him, his breathing slows as his lifeblood flows away and his heart stops...

Day 3

Savven wakes up from his nap at the Sword & Shield headquarters in Tel'Durel, apparently having fallen asleep on a bench, having been assigned nothing. Feeling a bit hungry he goes into the mess hall, there's some administrative personnel taking a break, some other members who don't have a mission and a lone half-orc scout, easily recognizable by the camouflage gear and paint on his face. Savven, feeling like nibbling on something, checks the area and spots some mice scurring from a hole in the wall near the kitchen, into the kitchen and back. With his owl reflexes he catches one and starts nibbling on it as he joins the scout at the table. The scout (let's call him George McGee, half-orc raised by his mother) lets out a grunt as he tears the meat from his venison stake and kind of wonders why Savven sits at his table.
  They strike up a conversation and by the end of it Savven and George agree that Savven comes on a run with George to the Searing Desert and beyond in search of Phantom Events. George tells him to get up early as George will be waiting in the mess hall and will leave as soon as he finishes his breakfast, with or without him. Before George leaves the mess hall in search of an empty bedroom, he shouts: "Dress lightly and bring enough water!" and leaves Savven behind. Savven, after having eaten his mouse, goes over to the kitchen staff and complements them, the staff looks baffled as non of them can remember serving him.
  He spends the rest of the afternoon finding the right gear to head into the desert and jungle beyond, before heading to bed at HQ.

Day 4

The next morning Savven is up bright and early, but to his surprise, George is just about to finish his breakfast. The look on George's face makes Savven smile a little bit, as he probably thought Savven was gonna be a no-show. Savven enters the kitchen's pantry and grabs some carrots and berries as breakfast and heads out with George. Nothing of interest happens on their journey towards the Searing Desert. When they near the desert, George puts down his pack and axe and says they're gonna rest for the rest of the day and enter the desert the next day. 

Day 5

As promised, in the early morning Savven and George make their final trek to the desert, about an hour later they enter the hot sand, as the temperature rises from a comfortable 25°C to a searing 45°C, Savven immediately feels the heat rise, but isn't struck down by the heat. As they venture through the desert further south, George signals to get down about an hour or three into their journey. "You up for a fight?" he asks Savven, "Why?". "There's a scorpion on the other side of this dune, probably in hiding." mulling it over, Savven nods and says: "Let's try to flank it.". George nods and goes to one side as Savven goes to the other, Savven isn't quite as stealthy as he wants to be and alerts to scorpion to their presence. A battle starts that sees the scorpion taking on George with its massive pincers and stinger, while Savven attacks from afar, when suddenly their world starts to tilt to one side as if they were on a very steep hill. Savven and George both lose their footing as the scorpion burrows itself into the sand. They start tumbling through the sand and dunes and pick up speed and with the same speed that it started, it stops again.
  As Savven and George lie in the sand, regaining their composure, Savven feels a burning sensation on his chest as a symbol appears and a female voice can be heard inside his head
My chosen ones, the Mortal Realms need you. A great evil has found its way back. Come to me my Champions.

  Looking at George he can see the same symbol on George's right hand and a puzzled look on his face...
  End of Session 1
Report Date
03 Nov 2023
Primary Location
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