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Session 3 - The invisible barrier

General Summary

... after finding the castle ruins and making sure it's safe, they head back and report their findings to the Council. The Council agrees that they need a safe place to spend the night and its seems the ruins could serve for now. They wait for other the other scouting parties to return and head towards the ruins. The Council dubs it Bastion for now, as it might become a more, permanent home.  

Day 6

The party wakes up to a camp filled with activity, parties have already been send out early to gather food and Savven, Reginald, George and Jane set out themselves. Unfortunately they return with little edible things. When they return, the scouting parties are gathered up, which includes the party, to discuss the next step, which means venturing out to find any sign of civilization and water. Savven, having scouted the air and seeing mountains in the distance, and the rest of the party heads west, while other parties head out in different directions. After an uneventful day of trekking they suddenly hit an invisible barrier, unable to get their mark beyond a certain point. They spend about 30 minutes experimenting with the barrier, to no avail. As the sun is setting, they decide to spend the night there and head back home in the morning.  

Day 7

Jane, Reginald and Savven are rudely awoken by George's shouting: "That's mine!" he yells, as the party sees a kobold running of at full speed to the south-west, carrying George's battleaxe. The party scrambles and follows the kobold as it zigzags through the forest, making it impossible to strike it down from afar. After a good 10 ùinute chase, the goblin jumps in a bush out of sight and as George reaches it, he raises his hand in a fist and lowers it to bring his index-finger to his mouth. He pushes the brush away and reveals a wide cave entrance, a couple metres wide and very steep. After a brief discussion and the party enters the cave.   It doesn't take long before the party ends up fighting several kobolds and killing them with ease, until they start darting away and getting help. Jane warns tha party (as she can speak Draconic), that there's something else in here. What exactly that is soon found out to be a black dragon wyrmling, after it first dissolves the kobolds that disturbed its slumber. After a couple blows with the party, the dragon wyrmling called Nzax escapes in the water and vanishes from sight. Having found water, the party returns back to Bastion to report to the Council.   After returning back from their day of walking and exploring, they arrive back at Bastion, they feast on what others have prepared and go to sleep.  

Day 8

The party sets out in the morning to head for a village Savven had located yesterday. When the sun is starting to set, they come to the realization that they've managed to travel further than two days ago, but their progress is yet again halted by an invisible barrier. After some time they do manage to get the attention of a farmer, who approaches them. Introductions aren't really made, but the party does explain and show their current predicament, upon which the farmer tells them to hide their tattoo, as a group came to the small village about two weeks ago and desecrated Zuchai's shrine within the church. Savven asks for the farmer to bring them over and the farmer agrees, not sure what to think of this strange group...

Rewards Granted

  • 150GP
Report Date
24 Nov 2023
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