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Thyron Arduin

Thyron Arduin

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Before Eden

Thyron was born in a family of eight, as the youngest child he would always receive pass-me-downs from his older siblings. Later in life he would do the same, giving away his possessions to those less fortunate than him. It's through this lifestyle as an adult, that he was approached by a priest from the local temple. After the exchange Thyron started devoting his life to Dravon, the God of Peace, offering kindness and mercy to those in need. It was this desicion that would eventually get him killed.   Years passed and his town flourished, he was in his late thirties when terror struck his hometown. A murderer was on the loose, killing indiscriminately, when she was finally discovered, she fled to the temple asking for sanctuary and Thyron obliged. With the townsfolk outside, screaming for her head, Thyron was inside talking with her. When he went to get water to drink, she slit his throat from behind...  

In Eden

With the memories of his mortal life erased, Thyron began his life on Eden serving the world as leader of the Covenant and devoted his life in service of the Five, which was a natural extension of his previous self.  


When he passed the Gate in Eden and returned to the mortal realm, he also remembered his previous life and the pact he made with Zuchai. Still believing in the path he chose, he's become more wary of others and their motives.


Religious Views

Everybody deserves a second chance, no matter what they've done.
Known Languages
Common Elvish Dwarvish


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