Gods of Eden Myth in Eden | World Anvil
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Gods of Eden


Strength from Beyond

Many deities exist all throughout the Outer and Inner Realms, all of them with their own ideals and virtues. Although not all of them are known to the world of Eden, many on the material plane still worship the ones from old tales and stories. Whether it be beings from the planes above, the ones below, or the ones just beyond the veil, they seek to uphold their ideals and act as their champions in the growing world.  

The Upper Pantheon

  Long, long ago, when the world was untamed and primal, the gods of the Upper Planes stepped foot on the world of Eden. It is still unknown as to why they came to the plane or how, but the presence they left in their wake shaped the world into what it is today. The gods of the Upper Pantheon lead the charge against the forces of evil that is the Lower Planes, specifically that of the Nine Hells, who's demonic denizens claw and scrape at the fabric between planes, seeking to corrupt and pollute all life on Eden.    

Mathias - God of Justice

Aliases: Lord of Wings, Aspect of Justice, Winged King
Domain(s): Light, Order   As the King of Angels, Mathias acts as the divine vanguard against the forces of the Nine Hells and beyond. With the assistance of the other planes and his holy aspects, even the darkest of creatures shudder at his name. His blessings often fall upon those who champion the ideals of good, granting them boons so that they may continue to act against evil.   Many of those who worship Mathias hold a strong sense of justice, seeking to punish the wicked and protect the weak. Many Paladins, specifically those of the Church of Gabriel are known to worship Mathias, mirroring his task of defending the material plane from evil.    

Yela and Yuno - Goddesses of Balance

Aliases: Sunsister/Moonsister, Twin Goddesses of Elysium
Domain(s): Light, Twilight, Peace, Life   The sisters embody the balance of light and dark in the world, and act as defenders of the natural order. For millennia they have been the voice of reason for the gods, calming the infighting between them and making peace. The Sisters seek to keep the balance of Eden as well, blessing those that are able to act without bias and strive for the greater good.   Those who worship Yela and Yuno are often pragmatic in their wisdom. Many clerics and even druids lean toward their alignment, taking action to maintain the balance of the world and settling conflicts, of which they view from both sides.    

Myrma - Goddess of the Sea

Aliases: Queen of the Depths, Guardian of Oceanus, The Leviathan
Domain(s): Tempest, Nature
  As fickle as the seas themselves, Myrma is the the guardian of the planar river Oceanus that connects the Upper Planes. Because of this, she does not owe allegiance to any particular plane, instead spreading her strength through all planes defending denizens of the deep and her worshipers alike. Myrma has been known to grant blessings to those that respect the raging power of the sea and punish those that do not.     Those who worship Myrma respect the untamed power of nature and understand how destructive it can be. Sailors often pay tribute to her, praying for calm tides and swift winds to reach their destination safely.    

Torr - The Goddess of Spring

Aliases: The Greenmother, Loam of the Beastlands
Domain(s): Nature, Life   It is said that the Fey gifted a seed to the gods when they first arrived, instructing them to plant it in the greenest pasture of their realms. Mathias took it to the valleys of the Beastlands and did so, and from its seed grew Torr. Every beast, tree, vine, and flower is watched over by the Greenmother, her gentle touch bringing color to the verdant fields of every grassland and long life to the tallest trees in every forest.   Those who worship Torr revel in the beauty of nature, praying for her blessings of plentiful crops or bountiful life. Many druids worship Torr, sharing in her love for the natural world around them.    

Hyu Li - The Goddess of Summer

Aliases: The Nine-Tailed, The Lotus Blossom, Trickster of Arborea
Domain(s): Knowledge, Trickery   In the east the fox is a symbol of youth, embodying the wonder-filled and playful nature of one's childhood. This is mostly in part to Hyu Li, who is often depicted as an enormous nine-tailed fox that offers wisdom and guidance to those burdened by great worry, and guides lost travelers back home. She has also been said to be quite mischievous, often playing harmless pranks and tricks for the amusement of others and herself.   Those that worship Hyu Li mimic her playful nature, finding joy and entertainment in their everyday lives. Some druids and many in the east venerate her charm, and pray for her blessings of wisdom and happiness.    

Noagi - The God of Autumn

Aliases: Lord of Spider Lilies, The Calm Flame, Honor of Arcadia
Domain(s): War, Peace, Forge   The wandering swordsman of Arcadia is well known by his namesake of Noagiri, a land that takes pride in their skillful application to all things. Noagi is no different, for he seeks absolute perfection in all he does. He finds great enjoyment in challenges, often seeking the thrill of a satisfying fight. Some tales say he will travel to Ysgard to duel with Graam on occasion, of which the God of War eagerly accepts, their battles shaking the entire realm with the clash of blades and roarous applause of onlookers.   Those who worship Noagi often seek perfection of a craft, whether it be artful or combative. Many swordsman and warriors from the east follow his example, seeking battle for the sake of self-betterment rather than to conquer.      

Runa - Goddess of Winter

  Aliases: The Huntmaiden, Skadi, Wolfmother
Domain(s): Tempest, War   Runa was once the Queen of Ysgard, but has since passed on her crown in lieu of taking great interest in Eden. It is said that long ago Runa traveled to the far north, a land of brutal wilderness. The people that lived there were in constant strife due to the fierce nature of their home. Runa spread her teachings of strength and will to them, showing them that they could overcome any challenge. Her teachings helped make their people strong with wills like iron. In honor of their Wolfmother they pledged their lives to the goddess, vowing that every waking breath they took would bring glory to themselves and to her.   Those who worship Runa find great worth in willpower, never allowing themselves to be intimidated by the obstacles before them no matter how tall. Almost all that live in Runala pay tribute to her, following the teachings of strength and will from their ancient ancestors.    

Woldir - God of Gold

Aliases: Trademaker, Stonewright, Boss of Bytopia
Domain(s): Forge, Arcana   Of all the smiths and craftsman in all the planes, there is none more skilled than Bytopia's head of trade. Woldir is the craftsman of the gods, the being who makes all of their weapons, armor, and garments, imbuing them with great power. Many craftsman from all planes seek wisdom from the God of Gold, who he often assists to make sure all their divine tasks are fulfilled. However it is always a barter, as Woldir will usually ask for assistance with his own commissions or dealings in return.   Those that worship Woldir focus much of their time on the creation or trading of goods, and take great pride in it. Many Dwarves and Gnomes take him as their patron deity, and many of their clerics are often paragons of his mercantile methods.    

Graam - God of War

  Aliases: The Trophy Helm, King of Ysgard, The Victorious
Domain: War   When Runa sought to relinquish the throne of Ysgard, many feuded on who should take her place. Runa, eager to find a replacement, chose to hold a contest among the strongest warriors of Ysgard: Battle her in single combat, and she would judge who was worthy. One by one the warriors challenged her, all of them boasting accomplishments and glorious titles. Each one of them fell, leaving bruised and beaten from the arena. One after one their words proved empty, none of them were worthy for the seat of ruler. Then one came forth, he bore no titles and said no words save for his name. And so they fought, and quick Runa came to realize his strength. For every clash he emerged stronger, for every strike his was swifter, and for every blow taken he flinched the least. Eventually, not only did Runa deem him worthy, she was defeated. So did it come to be a new king was crowned in Ysgard: Graam the Victorious.   Those who worship Graam bask in the glory of battle and are often quick to violence, whether it is to incite it or demand it. Many soldiers and barbarians pay tribute to the God of War, seeking his blessing before battles and conflict so that they may emerge victorious.    

The Inner Pantheon

  Even before the gods arrived from the Upper Planes, creatures roamed the magical lands and seas of the world. From every mountain to every river the world was infused with ancient magic, giving birth to races and beings of immense strength and power that have existed for millenia. Even to this day beings of strength and power are born, wrapped in the history of the material plane, roaming it's lands just beyond sight. The deities of the Inner Planes seldom take interest in the affairs of the Outer Planes, choosing instead to watch over the ancient lands they call home.    

Bahamut - Grandfather of Dragons

Aliases: King of Dragons, The Ancient Emissary, The Platinum Lord
Domain(s): Life, Nature, Peace, Knowledge
  When the gods first arrived in Eden they did not understand the mortality of it's denizens, thus it was the kind Grandfather of Dragons that showed them. As the link between immortals and mortals, Bahamut acts as the defender of life, ensuring the sanctity of mortal existence. Dragons are very rarely seen in Eden and it is usually difficult to discern whether they mean good or ill, however Bahamut still watches over the world even if it is quietly and unseen.   Those who worship Bahamut greatly value life of all creatures. Many healers pay homage to the platinum dragon, following his teachings of kindness and respect and drawing from his strength to mend the wounded.    

The Raven Queen - Lady of Death

  Aliases: The Lady of Letherna, Queen of the Shadowfell
Domain(s): Life, Death, Grave, Knowledge, Arcana   When the gods learned of the value of life from Bahamut, so too did they learn of death. When a life ends on the material plane, it's soul must pass through the Shadowfell before it departs fully into the afterlife. The Raven Queen watches over these souls, acting as their guide into the next life. She is rarely involved with the gods of the Upper Planes because of this, as her duty is to that of the Shadowfell and not the conflict of the Outer Realms.   Those who worship the Raven Queen covet darkness and shadow. Many of the more pious rogues often pray for her blessing when carrying out acts of a deathly nature.    

Xa - The Wandering One

Aliases: Hand of Fate, The Weaver, Dreamwalker
Domain(s): Twilight
  Xa is a mysterious entity who's origins are unknown to all. He is known to appear to mortals in their dreams at moments of great importance, offering assistance through wisdom, guidance, or gifting the power of his strange magics. He is often depicted as a hooded man in long tattered robes, but some witnesses have said he appeared in their dreams as someone familiar, or someone that they hadn't met yet. Many regard him as an instrument of fate, a creature of ancient knowledge that seeks to maintain the order of the realms.   There are few who worship Xa, with those that do often stubborn and unchanging in their decisions, adamant that the Dreamwalker guides them.    

Maard and Mimm - The Wise Brothers

  Aliases: The Greyhairs... or... is it The Greybeards?, The Brothers Grimm
Domain(s): Arcana, Knowledge... or... is it Knowledge, Arcana?   Some tales say that long ago two brothers sought to explore planes beyond. Using their combined power they stepped through the border of this world and into the Astral Plane, an impossible place of unknown knowledge and magic. There they experimented and tested all manner of mysterious weaves, creating magic that no one had ever seen or could even imagine. Eventually they were shunted back to the material plane, however when they did, they discovered decades had passed and their bodies seemed frozen in time. Their bodies did not age, and from time to time they would find themselves awakened in the Astral plane, bouncing forward in time when they returned. For thousands of years this has continued, each time them returning with new knowledge, though they often forget much in the process. The result of this has left them two very old, very wise, and very confused old men.   Those that worship, or rather seek after the Brothers Grimm, have a lust for knowledge and magical prowess, though they understand the dangers that comes with it, as the brothers are a prime example. Many Wizards take after the brothers, cautiously seeking knowledge from beyond and hoping one day they encounter them to gleam some expertise from their frazzled minds.      

Titania - The Fairy Queen

Aliases: Mother of Twilight, Gealach of Tir na Nog
Domain(s): Nature, Twilight, Arcana, War   The Fae are often mischevious and dangerous creatures, the most powerful among them being no different. Titania is one of the oldest creatures in all the planes, existing long before the gods arrived on Eden. It is said that she led a pilgrimage of the Fae from the material plane long ago, unnerved by the interference with mortals by the Upper Planes. Using her great power, she crafted a reflection of the material plane that her kind could call home: Tir na Nog, the Feywild. Forever linked yet just beyond the veil, the Feywild is home to ancient creatures and magic that the Mother of Twilight defends fervently, making sure it will never be tainted by the touch of the Outer Realms.   Those that worship Titania share her passion of defending nature with ferocity and vigor, resorting to violence if necessary. A few druids tap into her power, albeit very cautiously, as Fae magic can be powerful yet very dangerous.    

Oberon - The Fairy King

Aliases: Oganach of the Sidhe, Lord of the Loch, Son of the Sea
Domain(s): Nature, Twilight, Trickery, Life   Tales say that long ago Titania, Queen of the Fae, fell in love with a mortal man. So kind and charming was this man that he could calm the ancient ire that boiled in her heart. However he had been afflicted by a terrible disease, one that would end his life soon. Deeply in love and stricken with grief, Titania decided to bring a mortal to Tir na Nog, something that hadn't been done in thousands of years. There with her faeries did they heal him, infusing him with old magic of the Feywild, granting him eternal life. At first, the denizens of the Feywild were furious that their Queen would let a being tainted by the gods into their world, however they too were soon enraptured by the man's kindness. The faeries granted him the name 'Oberon', and from then on he watched over the Feywild as if it was his own home, eternally grateful for saving his life. Some say it is because of Oberon that faeries began taking interests in mortals, and began luring them into Tir na Nog to play tricks or enchant them, much of which Oberon has taken to doing himself.   Those that worship Oberon also share a passion for defending nature, however with a much kinder and pleasant touch. A few druids tap into his power, drawing his strength of healing or powerful illusions to settle things peacefully rather than violently.    

The Lower Pantheon

  Dark things dwell in the realms below. Very little is know of the Lower Planes, being that many who find a way into those dark lands seldom return. The chief threat they pose is that of the Nine Hells, the birthplace of demons and devils that wish to rip into the material plane to conquer it, and then all of the planes above.      

Odall - The God of Sin

  Aliases: The Chained One, The Devil, Betrayer
Domain(s): Death, War   Hushed whispers speak of the Chained One, a fallen god of the Upper Planes who now lies locked in the deepest pit of the Nine Hells. From him were the devils created, creatures with the savage ferocity of demons and the terrifying wisdom of the gods. Born from his blood, his children the Seven Princes of Sin rule over the layers of the Hells, commanding their armies and snatching souls from the material plane to be turned into their hellish abominations. Whispers also speak of a prophecy, that one day Odall will be freed from his chains, and the apocalypse that follows will tear the world asunder.   The worship of Odall is met with disgust and hate from most in Eden, for those that do seek only chaos and destruction, reveling in the power of the dark god and his minions.    

The Emperor

  Aliases: ?̶̰̅̉?̶͍̙͆͒?̶̣͂
Domains: ?̶̀̀͜?̷̢̢̠̾͑̓?̵̯̲̆̔
  "This is the thing that troubles me, for I cannot forget where black stars be. Where the shadows lengthen in the afternoon, when the twin suns sink into the moon. To my mind the memory of that fellow, that Emperor tall, cloaked in yellow."    

The Hanged Man

  Aliases: ?̶̰̅̉?̶͍̙͆͒?̶̣͂
Domains: ?̶̀̀͜?̷̢̢̠̾͑̓?̵̯̲̆̔   "A city built in unknown times, upon the bones of countless crimes. For those beyond our mortal ken we die and live, and die again. Our Lord does writhe atop his throne, for before his glory we atone. Our blood brings joy to the Hanged King, so shall we die upon his puppet-string."    

The Fool

  Aliases: ?̶̰̅̉?̶͍̙͆͒?̶̣͂
Domains: ?̶̀̀͜?̷̢̢̠̾͑̓?̵̯̲̆̔   "Dance oh yee to his hollow tune, bells to ring his coming soon. Come and prepare your brightest color, wash and clean your wretched squalor. We hear them ringing on the mile, so here we wait for his crooked smile. Match his grin for he doth rule, kneel and bow to the Kingly Fool."    

The Tower

  Aliases: ?̶̰̅̉?̶͍̙͆͒?̶̣͂
Domains: ?̶̀̀͜?̷̢̢̠̾͑̓?̵̯̲̆̔   "Climb and climb unto the top, forever climbing never stop. He awaits your word upon the peak, cackling on with an endless shriek. Up above you can see his crown, keep looking up, no don't look down. Cry and stumble and wheeze and cower, for you look upon the King on the Tower."

The Chariot

  Aliases: ?̶̰̅̉?̶͍̙͆͒?̶̣͂
Domains: ?̶̀̀͜?̷̢̢̠̾͑̓?̵̯̲̆̔   "The whip is loud as it cracks, followed then by the strike of an axe. Blood is splattered upon my face, another crushed beneath a mace. A writhing viscous angry horde, each impaled upon a sword. I stand there with a spear to hold, staring upon a Chariot of gold."    

The Hermit

Aliases: ?̶̰̅̉?̶͍̙͆͒?̶̣͂
Domains: ?̶̀̀͜?̷̢̢̠̾͑̓?̵̯̲̆̔   "The winds they howl outside the cave, they took the last man who was so brave. So deeper into shadow must I dive, to the place where pale dark things thrive. They stalk upon the winds missed prey, snatching those who wander astray. Up ahead does a lantern swing, a path left by the Hermit King."


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