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One of the Geshtalak's most feared units, the inquisitors are skilled fighters that prioritize suppressing descent and "heretical" activity within the empire. Inquisitors are responsible for the disappearance of civilians, the death of many political opponents to the empire, and some destruction of property. The most terrifying part of them is their ability to harness and use anti-magic, which allows them to efficiently negate magical attacks, and disable their opponents.



Over 100 infield inquisitors, dozens of citizen spies, and 50 non-combat inquisitors (in logistics and supply chain).


Most inquisitors come equipped with:    
  • An anti-magic weapon
  • light to medium armor lightly imbued with anti-magic
  • teleporting crystal
  • communicating crystal
  • healing crystals
  • A vial of liquid anti-magic (reserved for senior inquisitors and above)


The weapons they carry vary on their preference, but all their weapons are imbued with anti-magic.


The command structure is as followed:  
  • Grand inquisitor (1)
  • Inquisition commander (3)
  • Senior inquisitor (20)
  • Junior inquisitor (30)
  • Inquisitor (50)
  • logistics (50)


Inquisitors are taught to quickly disable their opponents and then capture or kill them as fast as possible to avoid drawn-out fights and chases. This would mean using anti-magic attacks to overwhelm their opponents or before the fight even begins, laying traps if they have time to prepare, or (depending on the inquisitor) overwhelming force.   Fights that go on for too long can run the risk of their AMM (anti-magic material) weakening their bodies, which would usually prompt them to retreat.


After being made an inquisitor by testing their affinity with anti-magic, they are then tested in their tolerance for it. Based on their tolerance, they will be trained to use AMM to a certain degree, how to use it, and when they should retreat if they go past their limits.   For combat, they are trained in one-on-one and small-group combat, various fear tactics, and stealth (for less brute force types of inquisitors).


Logistical Support

Inquisitors rely on their various bases across Ishmaltal for support and rest when they are away from their headquarters. From their headquarters, inquisitors working in logistics acquire needed supplies from the government, and some of these supplies will be sent to the bases (via teleportation) for inquisitors to use when they go there.   Some of the supplies given may include: 
  • crystals
  • food and drink
  • clothing


Besides the guards, the inquisitors work hand-in-hand with the government's spies, utilizing their information to track people down.


Inquisitors require 1/3 of what the army needs in terms of financial support (which stands at 10k soldiers). Most of what they require is AMM, which needs to be diluted, imbued by mages, and distributed. Other upkeeps would be their healing and teleporting crystals (which the army doesn't really use because of how expensive they are), and specialized clothing.


For one to be recruited, one needs to meet the following baseline requirements:
  • Combat or logistical skills
  • low innate mana reserves to receive AMM
  • Not a Yakshi
  • currently lives within Ishmaltal and is not aligned with any other state
Once these are met, the candidate must now drink a heavily diluted solution of anti-magic. If they show signs of affinity with it and don't fall incapacitated (or die) from it, then they become an inquisitor. Those serving non-combative roles don't have to take part in this.   For who is recruited, the government only cares about who is obedient enough to follow orders and is loyal. This means soldiers and prisoners with combat experience can be recruited to the inquisition, regardless of race (except Yakshi) and gender.


A new unit was proposed by the Branch of Justice, as they found the military application of the AMM to have a lot of potential. Soldiers that were low in magical potential were selected for the unit, were made to drink AMM, and were equipped with crude wood armor (made of the tree of life). In 1116 TC, the new unit marched into the battle for Kasamardi’s city and was proven to be a huge success: their abilities negated and nullified magical attacks, effectively handled close-ranged fighters, and repelled the long-range magical users. Their success impressed The Crown, and more resources were poured into the program, allowing them to show the public and military their potential. After the empire was established, The Crown formed the Inquisition, a branch of the government that performs espionage within the empire, secret ops, enforcement of the law, and tasks that require more skilled soldiers.   With them now being established as capable soldiers, The Crown propagandized the Inquisition as a force that will wash away the remaining sins of the past and those who want to ruin the future, which now made them a fearful figure within the public eye, especially non-elven races. They hold as much intelligence as the Branch of Justice, they are given much autonomy, and even if they don’t have as many troops as the main army, they are capable of acting on their own.

Historical loyalties

The inquisition is loyal to the government, as many of its founders were from the army during the conquest to rebuild the empire.
If an inquisitor is in your presence, then they are looking for something. Something wrong, out of place. Something that needs to be corrected.
Special Forces
1116 TC
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy


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