Kenku Merchant Flock

An wide ranging organization of Kenku merchants you uniquely trade items for words. The more florid and verbose the better. Kenku change flit from interest to interest often, as such they are specializing in a different language each time one encounters them. Roll on the table bellow to determine what language will grant a bonus, and here to determine the inventor of their shop.    
d20 Language
1 Dwarvish
2 Elvish
3 Giant
4 Gnomish
5 Goblin
6 Halfling
7 Orc
8 Abyssal
9 Aquan
10 Auran
12 Celestial
13 Deep Speech
14 Draconic
15 Ignan
16 Infernal
17 Primordial
18 Sylvan
19 Terran
20 Undercommon

Cover image: by Tom Furmston


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