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Mogis, God of Slaughter

Mogis is the god of slaughter, violence, and war. He is hatred unrestrained, empathy denied, and mercy forgotten, an entity whose very presence incites mortals to violence. Soldiers fear succumbing to his blood lust lest they dishonor themselves, but the vengeful and forsaken call to him for the gift of his rage. He is the brother of Iroas, god of victory, and his antithesis in matters of warfare.   Mogis, like his brother, governs the sphere of warfare. But while Iroas thrives on the glory of honorable victory, Mogis revels in sadism, destruction, and the utter humiliation of the vanquished. He drives warriors to acts of cruelty and malice in their pursuit of victory.   Mogis exhorts his followers to channel their hatred and rage into ever greater acts of cruelty and violence. He demands actions over words, making his followers an active and dangerous lot. From the spurned lover thirsting for revenge to the blood-drenched warrior on the battlefield, all honor Mogis with the shedding of blood in anger.  

Champions of Mogis

Most champions of Mogis are antiheroes motivated by rage and a thirst for war. Many are tortured souls with a thirst for vengeance. I would caution against being a champion of Mogis. It's important that the party works together to reach their goals and Mogis' expectation of his champions may make that hard.  

Mogis’s Favor

Mogis’s favor isn’t difficult to earn for someone who lacks a moral compass. Mogis demands that blood be spilled in his service, preferably the blood of Iroas’s followers. Would-be champions should realize, though, that the god of slaughter invests in his followers with the expectation of receiving great returns. Those who disappoint, proving themselves incapable of sufficient cruelty or bloodshed, might find themselves on the wrong end of his blade.   To Mogis, the ideal follower is one who sheds all moral compunctions in the course of bringing suffering to the world. He also cultivates grievances and bitterness in those not ordinarily disposed to acts of wanton violence. Over the eons, he has found that the betrayed, the disgusted, and the disfavored are readily turned to a life of murderous service, to be discarded just as easily if they don’t satisfy him. The Mogis’s Favor table suggests a few ways that a mortal might come to Mogis’s attention, or vice versa.  
d6 Circumstance
1 You were born under a sanguine moon, the symbol of Mogis’s red eye.
2 Your twin sibling is a champion of Iroas.
3 You successfully carried out a brutal vendetta against a rival family.
4 You proved yourself dramatically (and perhaps violently) worthy in a contest of strength, a feat of endurance, or a similar accomplishment.
5 You called on Mogis’s power to settle old scores by becoming an instrument of his wrath.
6 You have no idea why Mogis chose you, but his hate seeps into your being day by day nonetheless.

Devotion to Mogis

Following Mogis is a definitive rejection of ethical codes and adoption of bloodlust and rage. As a follower of Mogis, consider the ideals on the Mogis’s Ideals table as alternatives to those suggested for your background.  
d6 Ideal
1 Devotion. My devotion to my god is more important to me than what he stands for. 
2 Savagery. I express my rage through combat.
3 Hate. Hatred of my foes warms my heart and gives me power.
4 Fury. My only release from life’s endless grind is surrendering to my inner beast.
5 Ruthlessness. The ends justify the means and victory is to be obtained at any cost.
6 Pride. No one can best me in my chosen endeavor and woe to those who try.


You earn Mogis' approval when you expand the god’s influence in the world in a concrete way through acts such as these:
  • Defeating a champion of Iroas
  • Taking vengeance against a powerful foe
  • Burning a polis or a settlement to the ground
  • Desecrating a temple to Iroas as an offering to Mogis
  Mogis' approval decreases if you diminish Mogis’s influence in the world, contradict his ideals, or make him look weak or ineffectual through acts such as these:
  • Failing to carry out a sworn vendetta
  • Publicly displaying weakness or compassion
  • Rejecting a duel or a challenge out of fear
Alignment: Usually Usually chaotic, often evil
Domains: Slaughter, wrath, pain, sadism, malice

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