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Nylea, Goddess of the Hunt

Nylea is the wild, carefree goddess of the hunt, the seasons, and the forest. Because of her reign over the hunt, she is also associated with predation, hunger and claims dominion over the whole of the natural world. And, because of her rule of the seasons, she is also the god of metamorphosis and rebirth.   Nylea is worshiped by hunters, but her concerns go far beyond humanity’s ability to subsist on the bounty of the natural world. She controls the turning of the seasons. Usually, she ushers each one in and out on schedule, but when angered, she might refuse to change to the next season, or even call upon one out of its proper time. Mortals pray to her to ward off unseasonable weather, both natural and supernatural in origin.   Nylea is the best archer in the world, and contests of archery are often held in her name. Those who hunt their own food pray to Nylea for success, and Nylea blesses their natural predation. Poachers and those who kill for sport, however, know that she loathes such activity, and they try to stay hidden from her at all costs. Nylea has personally slain many of those who killed wantonly in her sacred Nessian Wood.   Birth falls under Nylea’s influence as well, and her priests often double as midwives in their communities, blessing babies as they come into the world.   Mortals all over Theros pray to Nylea when they rely on hunting or nature’s whims for their livelihood. Her most ardent followers are satyrs, centaurs, humans (particularly those who live in Setessa and in the wilds), and nymphs of all kinds, especially dryads. Few leonin worship any of the gods, but of those who do, many favor Nylea with their prayers.   Nylea blesses those who are kind to animals, considering such acts as wordless prayers. Those who must kill a dangerous natural animal or cut down trees often pray to Nylea for forgiveness, sometimes leaving food for other animals or planting new trees as atonement.  

Champions of Nylea

Most champions of Nylea understand the cycles of nature—embracing life, death, and rebirth. They might commit violence when necessary but never revel in it, advocating for the proper treatment of animals, plants, and the natural world.  

Nylea’s Favor

Nylea chooses champions who will tirelessly defend the natural world, regardless of their mortal ties and associations. She cares more for consistency of actions than for vows of loyalty and expressions of devotion. Whether you are silently devoted to her or vociferous in your praise, it is your actions in her name that will prompt her to continue her support—or withdraw it.   Because her interests are often tied to natural forces, Nylea’s attention can be unpredictable. What made the god turn her attention to you? What act of charity or feat of skill made her think you would be a good champion? The Nylea’s Favor table offers a handful of suggestions.
d6 Circumstance
1 You were born at dawn on the spring equinox, a sign of Nylea’s favor.
2 You healed an injured wolf, which then revealed itself to be Nylea in disguise.
3 You won an archery contest with a truly stunning shot, but afterward chastised onlookers who compared your skill to Nylea’s.
4 Lost in the forest as a child, you were raised by wolves. Nylea intervened to teach you language and enable you to one day take your place in society as one of her champions.
5 A unicorn has appeared to you several times in your life, often after protecting animals or nature.
6 You lived alone in the wilderness for a year. In all that time you never heard another mortal’s voice, but Nylea spoke to you regularly.

Devotion to Nylea

Nylea calls upon her followers to defend the natural world and oppose those who would bring it harm through cruelty or greed. As a follower of Nylea, consider the ideals on the Nylea’s Ideals table as alternatives to those suggested for your background.
d6 Ideal
1 Devotion. My devotion to my god is more important to me than what she stands for.
2 Nature. The beauty of the natural world fills me with serenity.
3 Freedom. I yearn to run wild.
4 Stewardship. We must care for the natural world as it cares for us.
5 Savagery. It’s eat or be eaten, and I plan to be the one with the full belly.
6 Purity. I won’t sully my body or my soul with the taint of civilization.


You earn Nylea's approval when you expand the god’s influence in the world in a concrete way through acts such as these:
  • Healing a sick or injured wild animal
  • Stopping those who hunt for sport or profit
  • Proving your worth in a contest of archery
  • Helping preserve balance in nature
  • Slaying an aberration, a fiend, or an undead
  Nylea's approval decreases if you diminish Nylea’s influence in the world, fail to defend nature, or offend her sensibilities through acts such as these:
  • Killing an animal for any reason other than necessity
  • Dedicating a building or making a sacrifice to any god, including Nylea
  • Doing something that gets in the way of natural evolution
  • Destroying part of the forest for the sake of expanding a settlement
Alignment: Usually neutral, often good
Domains: Hunting, seasons, forests, hunger, metamorphosis

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