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Purphoros, God of the Forge

Purphoros is the god of the forge, the restless earth, and fire. He rules the raw creative force that infuses sapient minds. Purphoros is also the god of artisans, obsession, and the cycle of creation and destruction.   The raw creative force that Purphoros embodies is chaotic, but Purphoros isn’t a god of unbridled chaos. Rather, he shows mortals how to harness that primal energy, shaping it through passion and labor into something usable.   Purphoros is primarily associated with forging, metallurgy, and related activities. It was his followers who first brought bronze to Edinia, he hasn't yet shared the secret of iron.   Though Purphoros is largely interested in physical craft, he has influence over all forms of creation. Keranos also inspires new ideas, but it is Purphoros who oversees the advancement of the craft that brings these ideas to life in the world.   Purphoros is always ready to obliterate what is to make room for what could be, and to start the cycle again when what could be becomes what is. When he is inspired, the night sky glitters with new constellations, and anvilwrought creatures appear in the countryside. When he is wrathful, stars vanish in molten rain, and his hammer blows annihilate whole mountaintops.   Purphoros holds dominion over everything that springs from mortal ingenuity. Most artisans say a small prayer to him upon beginning or completing the construction of nearly anything, from swords to fortresses to ships.   Naturally, Purphoros is strongly associated with the forge, and nearly every smithy on Theros is a sort of ad hoc temple to him. Charms and idols of Purphoros hang from the walls in such places, intended both to inspire the artisans and protect them against accidents. Regardless of their professions, worshipers of Purphoros often light small fires in the god’s honor, burning wooden crafts or drawings of their inventions to gain his favor.  

Champions of Purphoros

Most champions of Purphoros are unswerving advocates of passion and creativity who change the world by doing what they believe is right in the moment.  

Purphoros’s Favor

Purphoros is notoriously impulsive, often selecting champions based on momentary whims. Despite this seemingly blasé attitude, he is dedicated to all his champions, no matter how they came into his service.   What made the forge god turn his attention to you? What set you apart from the masses of people who offer him prayers and sacrifice? What whim came over him that made you the perfect choice in the moment he tapped you? The Purphoros’s Favor table offers a handful of suggestions.   Purphoros’s mood is highly changeable, and having his favor doesn’t always mean having his attention. But if you follow your passions and do what you believe is right, he will stay true to you as well.
d6 Circumstance
1 Mount Velus erupted at the moment of your birth, signifying Purphoros’s blessing of the event.
2 As a young artist, you breathed the intoxicating fumes of a volcano and found mystical inspiration.
3 You are an artisan who crafted a work of such high quality that Purphoros took notice.
4 After you were orphaned by a fire at your parents’ forge, Purphoros took you under his protection.
5 Your parent or mentor was a master artisan, and you also yearn to create something worthy of a god’s attention.
6 As a reckless youth, you joined a group of young artists and rabble-rousers who sought to tear down the established order in Purphoros’s name.

Devotion to Purphoros

Purphoros encourages freedom and self-expression, so it is only natural that his champions follow him for many different reasons. As a follower of Purphoros, consider the ideals on the Purphoros’s Ideals table as alternatives to those suggested for your background.
d6 Ideal
1 Devotion. My devotion to my god is more important to me than what he stands for.
2 Passion. I will follow my heart and help others do the same.
3 Aspiration. With Purphoros’s blessing, I will create something magnificent.
4 Change. The old must be swept away to make room for the new.
5 Generosity. I want to create things that will enrich the world.
6 Rage. I follow my passions, no matter how dark they might seem to others.


You earn Purphoros' approval when you expand the god’s influence in the world in a concrete way through acts such as these:
  • Fighting against those who would stifle progress
  • Taking decisive action on impulse
  • Destroying something that has outlived its usefulness
  • Making progress towards a discovery that leads to innovation
  • Creating something wondrous in Purphoros’s name
  Purphoros' approval decreases if you diminish Purphoros’s influence in the world, work against freedom or self-expression, or allow tyranny to take hold through acts such as these:
  • Following an unjust law despite your misgivings
  • Creating something shoddy or flawed
  • Backing down from a fight or a contest against authority
Alignment: Usually chaotic, often neutral
Domains: Forge, earth, fire, artisans, creation, destruction

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