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The mysterious claw gauntlet


Nir found her claw gauntlet in the restricted storage area of enchanted items in the Nyx Academy in Meletis. She doesn't know much about it only that he has magical properties.  


  • When Kaliaros grabbed the claw, he felt like his fur was being peeled off by tentacles
  • Placing the claw into Kaliaros' cauldron resulted in a water explosion teleporting Nir and Fennan into space surrounded by stars. Here a shadowy serpent sensed her sister's presence in Nir and a constellation that looked like waves told Nir and Fennan they weren't ready to be there. Nir and Fennan were sent back without any memories of the encounter only with a feeling that they needed to head to the Temple of Thassa.
  • The Empress of Setessa explained that the weapon Nir held was called Riptide, one of Ars Armigers. Riptide belonged to Siren, one of the Archons. If Nir wanted answers, then the Empress recommended reaching out to Thassa, as she was Siren's apprentice before the Sundering.

Quest Rewards

  • Lvl 1 Ars Armiger

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